Health and Disease

Monsantos cancer causing herbicide is found in 80% of feminine hygiene products


Are you putting Monsanto in your vagina? 85% of tampons and feminine hygiene products contaminated with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, over 50 American women were killed by their tampons. Although the FDA and the feminine hygiene industry have gone to tremendous lengths to try to memory hole this true history (and label it just a “rumor”), tampons made from certain non-natural fibers were found to harbor deadly bacteria and release a sufficient quantity of chemicals to kill or injure over a thousand women.

As the Organic Consumers Association has published:

The worst offenders were Procter and Gamble’s ultra-absorbent Rely tampons. According to the book Soap Opera: The Inside Story of Procter and Gamble, the company dismissed consumer complaints about the tampons for years. A 1975 company memo disclosed that Rely tampons contained known cancer-causing agents and that the product altered the natural organisms found in the vagina. Rely tampons were taken off the shelves in 1980, but many women claim they left a legacy of hysterectomies and loss of fertility.

Among health-conscious women, the toxicity of mainstream tampons has long been an issue of concern. “Just as I say heck no to Cottonseed oil, it is for the same reason I say heck no to sticking toxic cotton up into my nethers,” writes Meghan Telpner. “Did ya know that 84 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed on 14.4 million acres of conventional cotton grown each year in the US.”

She continues:

The rayon/viscose used in Tampax is made from wood pulp. Last I checked, there were no such thing as rayon trees and trees don’t magically turn into rayon- it takes hundreds of chemicals. The chlorine bleaching of wood pulp is where the greatest danger lies. The process creates chlorinated hydrocarbons, a hazardous group of chemicals with byproducts that includes dioxins, some of the most toxic substances known. Parts per million my cooch! There are no safe levels dioxins, they are impossible to break down and so keep building up in our tissues.

Now Monsanto’s toxic herbicide has been found in 80% of feminine hygiene products

Fast forward to 2015. Now

glyphosate, the chemical found in Monsanto’s “RoundUp” herbicide used on genetically modified cotton crops, is being discovered in the vast majority of feminine hygiene products.

The research team from National University of La Plata headed by Damian Marino revealed their research findings last weekend. Note carefully that such research wouldnever be conducted in a U.S. university because they’ve been infiltrated and bought off by Monsanto. Example: Discredited professor Kevin Folta at the University of Florida, who was caught receiving $25,000 from Monsanto after publicly lying that he had no financial ties to the herbicide company. Even though Folta has been exhaustively exposed as a liar and a violator of university ethics, the University of Florida sees nothing wrong with such deceptions. Click here to read the secret letter where Monsanto agrees to pay him $25,000.

“A team of Argentine scientists found traces of glyphosate in 85% of personal care and feminine hygiene products containing cotton and commonly purchased in drugstores and supermarkets,” writes Revolution News.

“The study looked at a sampling of products from pharmacies and supermarkets in the area of La Plata, and analyzed cotton swabs, gauze and articles for feminine use. The results from all commercial products detected 85% glyphosate and 62% AMPA (metabolite or derivative of glyphosate). Almost 100% of the cotton produced in Argentina is transgenic and glyphosate applications are made while the cocoon is open.”

Also reported by Revolution News:

“The report left us shocked,” said Dr. Medardo Ávila Vázquez, a conference participant and from Cordoba.

“We had focused our attention on the presence of glyphosate in food, but did not think the products we use in all hospitals and health centers in the country to cure patients are contaminated with a carcinogenic product. The authorities must give an immediate response to this situation.”

Glyphosate is known to cause cancer, but propagandists are paid to cover up the truth

Glyphosate is a known cancer-causing chemical. The World Health Organization has

classified it as “probably carcinogenic,” and many other studies clearly link it to an endocrine disruption process that leads to cancer.

The EPA conspired with Monsanto for decades to deceive the public into thinking glyphosate was harmless, even after knowing the molecule was extremely dangerous., named “America’s most evil news publisher” by, has been instrumental in publishing Monsanto’s propaganda via the corporation’s paid professional propagandists such as Henry Miller and Jon Entine. Both have been exposed as “GMO mercenaries” who betray humanity and advocate the chemical poisoning of the world in exchange for money.

Glyphosate has even been found to promote cancer at parts per trillion concentrations, meaning that even low-level exposure from tampons might lead to deadly cancers in women. (The GMO industry says women who are concerned about GMOs are “anti-science” and too stupid to understand technology.)

It is inarguable that the human vagina readily absorbs chemicals found in tampons. When those tampons are made from GMO cotton — the vast majority of cotton that’s commercially grown — they almost always contain glyphosate that gets absorbed through vaginal walls and enters the bloodstream.

This means that even beyond glyphosate contamination in food, women must now consider the possibility that they are being poisoned from glyphosate in the vagina via genetically modified cotton used in tampons and other hygiene products.

To all the bought-off female journalists who are pushing Monsanto’s agenda — like Tamar Haspel of the Monsanto-infiltrated Washington Post — SHAME ON YOU for advancing the chemical industry’s war on women.

Why you should only use organic feminine hygiene products

The only sure way to avoid GMOs in your vagina is to

source certified organic feminine hygiene products made from organic cotton or other organic materials.

It’s easy for consumers to forget that their blue jeans are made from GMO cotton saturated with glyphosate… or that the cotton gauze in their first aid kits are also made with GMO cotton and glyphosate. In fact, even cotton swabs and cotton balls are usually GMO.

So if you really want to stop putting  Monsanto in your vagina (or your ears, nose and other place in your body), you’ll need to meticulously source organic, non-GMO products for such needs.

Monitor all the real-time breaking news on organics at or throughout the day.
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Rx to Wellness

John Hopkins says : Do Not Get The Flu Shot!

flushot (1)

A Johns Hopkins scientist has issued a blistering report on influenza vaccines in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Peter Doshi, Ph.D., charges that although the vaccines are being pushed on the public in unprecedented numbers, they are less effective and cause more side effects than alleged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Further, says Doshi, the studies that underlie the CDC’s policy of encouraging most people to get a yearly flu shot are often low quality studies that do not substantiate the official claims.

Promoting influenza vaccines is one of the most visible and aggressive public health policies in the United States, says Doshi of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Drug companies and public officials press for widespread vaccination each fall, offering vaccinations in drugstores and supermarkets. The results have been phenomenal. Only 20 years ago, 32 million doses of influenza vaccine were available in the United States on an annual basis. Today, the total has skyrocketed to 135 million doses.
“The vaccine may be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza seems to be overstated,” Doshi says. Mandatory vaccination polices have been enacted, often in healthcare facilities, forcing some people to take the vaccine under threat of losing their jobs.
The main assertion of the CDC that fuels the push for flu vaccines each year is that influenza comes with a risk of serious complications which can cause death, especially in senior citizens and those suffering from chronic illnesses. That’s not the case, said Doshi.

When read carefully, the CDC acknowledges that studies finding any perceived reduction in death rates may be due to the “healthy-user effect” — the tendency for healthier people to be vaccinated more than less-healthy people. The only randomized trial of influenza vaccine in older people found no decrease in deaths. “This means that influenza vaccines are approved for use in older people despite any clinical trials demonstrating a reduction in serious outcomes,” says Doshi.

Even when the vaccine is closely matched to the type of influenza that’s prevalent, which doesn’t happen every year, randomized, controlled trials of healthy adults found that vaccinating between 33 and 100 people resulted in one less case of influenza. In addition, says Doshi, no evidence exists to show that this reduction in the risk of influenza for a specific population — here in the United States, among healthy adults, for example — extrapolates into any reduced risk of serious complications from influenza, such as hospitalizations or deaths, among seniors.
“For most people, and possibly most doctors, officials need only claim that vaccines save lives, and it is assumed there must be solid research behind it,” says Doshi. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, he says.

Although the CDC  implies that flu vaccines are safe and there’s no need to weigh benefits against risk, Doshi disagrees. He points to an Australian study that found one in every 110 children under the age of five had convulsions following vaccinations in 2009 for H1N1 influenza. Additional investigations found that the H1N1 vaccine was also associated with a spike in cases of narcolepsy among adolescents.
Doshi’s concerns echo those of Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon and author of “The Blaylock Wellness Report” who has deep concerns over the safety and efficacy of the flu vaccine.

Not only is the vaccine not safe, Dr. Blaylock tells Newsmax Health, it doesn’t even work. “The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it,” he says. “There are three reasons the government tells the elderly why they should get flu shots: secondary pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Yet a study by the Cochrane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero protection for those three things in the general community. It offered people in nursing homes some immunity against the flu — at best one-third — but that was only if they picked the right vaccine.”
A study released in February found that the flu shot was only 9 percent effective in protecting seniors against the 2012-2013 season’s most virulent influenza bug.
What’s even worse is that small children who are given the flu vaccine get no protection from the disease. “The government also says that every baby over the age of six months should have a vaccine, and they know it contains a dose of mercury that is toxic to the brain,” says Dr. Blaylock. “They also know the studies have shown that the flu vaccine has zero — zero — effectiveness in children under five.”
For most people, says Dr. Blaylock, flu vaccines don’t prevent the flu but actually increase the odds of getting it. The mercury contained in vaccines is such a strong immune depressant that a flu shot suppresses immunity for several weeks. “This makes people highly susceptible to catching the flu,” he says. “They may even think the vaccine gave them the flu, but that’s not true — it depressed their immune system and then they caught the flu.”
Mercury overstimulates the brain for several years, says Dr. Blaylock, and that activation is the cause of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases. One study found that those who get the flu vaccine for three to five years increase their risk of Alzheimer’s disease 10-fold.
Doshi asserts that influenza is a case of “disease mongering” in an effort to expand markets. He points to the fact that deaths from flu declined sharply during the middle of the 20th century, long before the huge vaccine campaigns that kicked off the 21st century.
Why do drug companies push the flu vaccine? “It’s all about money,” says Dr. Blaylock. “Vaccines are a pharmaceutical company’s dream. They have a product that both the government and the media will help them sell, and since vaccines are protected, they can’t be sued if anyone has a complication.”
Doshi’s article “is a breath of fresh air,” says Dr. Blaylock. “This article exposes in well-defined and articulate terms what has been known for a long time — the flu vaccine promotion is a fraud.
“Here’s the bottom line,” says Dr. Blaylock. “The vast number of people who get the flu vaccine aren’t going to get any benefit, but they get all of the risks and complications.”
Your other option is to ask for the flu shot that does not have any preservatives in it.  This one contains no mercury, but medical institutions do not want you to have it, because it costs them money.

Vanilla Bean


Vanilla beans are a highly prized medicinal fruit of the vanilla planifolia orchid and have several health promoting properties. Vanilla has a calming effect on the nervous system and is an effective treatment for anxiety and stress. The aroma of vanilla beans alone has been shown to increase feelings of relaxation and happiness. One of the major medicinal compounds in vanilla beans is called vanillin which in small doses is known to greatly aid digestion, decrease headaches, and provide relief for an upset stomach. Vanilla beans contain trace minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, and iron. They also contain anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties and are particularly beneficial for fatigue, gas, muscle and joint pain, neck and back pain, nausea, swelling, and gas. Vanilla bean works exceptionally well in smoothies, tea, and baked goods. It can also create a healing and soothing bath that can help relieve respiratory conditions, alleviate the symptoms of the cold or flu, and help to calm and ease the body, mind, and spirit. Each vanilla bean contains over 25,000 flavor-packed seeds. To open, simply slice the vanilla bean in half lengthwise and run the knife along the bean to scrape out the seeds, only a very small amount is needed for delicious flavor and therapeutic benefits. Vanilla extract can be used topically as a natural astringent to help cleanse the skin and diminish any blemishes. Vanilla beans, pure vanilla extract, and pure vanilla powder can be found online or at your local grocery and health food store.

Health and Wellness Associates

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Health and Disease

Hypertension is..


Hypertension is blood pressure over 115.

Studies have indicated that smoking a cigarette can elevate one’s blood pressure  for half an hour.

Picture:  Garlic flower, Garlic helps lower hypertension


Creepy Chocolate Treat


Quick and Creepy Chocolate Treats

Serves: 10

1 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup raw almond butter (see note)
2 tablespoons natural cocoa powder
3 tablespoons ground chia seeds


Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until very well combined.

Remove mixture from food processor and form into balls or mold into spiders, worms or whatever creepy creature is desired. Can be decorated with nuts, seeds or dried fruit.

For a more adult treat, roll balls in cocoa powder, ground raw almonds or unsweetened shredded coconut.

Note: Raw sunflower seed butter may be substituted for almond butter.


Wild Apple Crunch


Wild Apple Crunch

6 apples, peeled and sliced

3/4 cup chopped walnuts

8 dates, chopped

1 cup currants or raisins

3/4 cup water

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

juice of 1 orange

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Combine all ingredients except the orange juice.  Place in

a baking pana nd drizzle the orange juice on top.

Cover and bake for about one hour until all ingredients are]

soft., stirring occasionally.

NOTE:  I simmer this on top of the stove

Calories 207, Protien 5 g., carbohydrates 37g., total fat 7g.,

saturated fat .7g., sodium 4 mg.