Foods, Uncategorized

Cashew Chicken Lettuce Wraps


Cashew Chicken Lettuce Wraps

A simple and delicious one-pan chicken meal that adds cashews and maple syrup for the crunch and serves in a lettuce wrap for a light and refreshing meal.


Serves: 4


  • 1 pound of chicken breast or thighs, cut in to bite size pieces
  • ¼ cup butter or coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder or 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon natural salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons (or more to taste) coconut amino or naturally fermented soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons (or more to taste) maple syrup
  • ½ cup toasted cashews
  • Sliced red onions for garnish
  • Bibb lettuce leaves for serving


  1. Melt the butter in a large skillet and add the chicken (already cut in to bite sized pieces)
  2. Sprinkle with the garlic, salt, pepper, and basil (if using) and sauté until chicken is almost completely cooked and is no loner translucent.
  3. Add the coconut amino and continue to stir until the liquid from the coconut amino starts to evaporate off.
  4. Add the maple syrup and continue to stir for another 2-3 minutes or until maple syrup and coconut amino have cooked down and there is very little liquid left in the pan.
  5. Add cashews and stir until heated.
  6. Let cool slightly and serve in lettuce leaves, topped with thinly sliced red onions (optional).


Health and Wellness Associates



Rx to Wellness

Stop Using Toxic Toothpaste


Stop using toxic toothpastes!
Did you know that your generic supermarket brand toothpastes are highly toxic? I’m talking about your Colgate, McLeans and Crest brand toothpastes. All these brands and more contain ingredients that can be highly dangerous to your health in the future. I’m going to list just a few of these ingredients that are used in your commercial toothpastes that can cause some severe health problems. Here are just a couple of the ingredients used in major brand toothpastes that have received major scientific criticism, you should most certainly look out for these ingredients and avoid them to the best of your abilities.
Triclosan has received an unprecedented amount of exposure in mainstream media, for good reason. Generally, mainstream media don’t want to touch the topic of toxic chemicals in household items with a 10 foot barge pole, but triclosan has received so much scientific backlash that there was little other choice than to inform the public. Triclosan was originally a chemical registered to the Environmental Protection Agency in 1969 as a classified pesticide, yet it somehow found its way into a wide array of personal care items such as deodorants, antibacterial soaps, shower gels and shampoos. It is also contained in many commercial toothpastes and has been linked in scientific studies to heart failure, heart disease, muscle function impairment, skeletal muscle contractility issues, and manipulation of the body’s regulation of hormones. It is additionally known to mimic the action of the hormone oestrogen; a hormone that in excess has been demonstrated to increase the risk of breast cancer.
Sodium fluoride
Aside from toothpaste, sodium fluoride is added to the water in a variety of different cities under the guise of “strengthening and protecting your teeth”. Make no mistake, sodium fluoride is highly toxic and can cause some severe mental and physical problems in the future. Sodium fluoride is actually a by product of the aluminium manufacturing industry and is used in rat poisons and many different pesticides. Sodium fluoride has been linked to many different illnesses, especially neurological disorders. It has also been documented to increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, arthritis, infertility, dental and skeletal fluorosis, fluoroderma, thyroid disease and surprisingly tooth decay of all things. This is certainly a chemical that you want to avoid as much as possible!
Go Natural!
These two ingredients are just the tip of the iceberg; if you want to find out about more of the toothpaste ingredients that are inside your commercial toothpastes here is what you can do. Visit your local health store or buy online and be sure to purchase only those toothpastes that are listed as100% organic and natural or the Ayurvedic toothpastes. Both of these types of toothpastes will ensure that you are brushing your teeth free of toxic inorganic chemicals and help to re-mineralize your tooth enamel.
Alternatively you can make your very own 100% natural toothpaste with the following ingredients.
1. 1 tablespoon of raw organic coconut oil
2. 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
3. Half a teaspoon of sea salt
4. One drop of clove oil (optional)
5. One drop of peppermint oil (optional)
Health and Wellness Associates
Archived Article
Andrew Jenkins
Fluoride Tooth Paste: A Cause of Perioral Dermatitis –
Contact allergens in toothpastes and a review of their hypersensitivity –
Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children’s IQ –
Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity –
Triclosan Exposure Modulates Estrogen-Dependent Responses –
The bactericidal agent triclosan modulates thyroid hormone-associated gene expression and disrupts postembryonic anuran development –
Triclosan in anti-bacterial soaps
Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population –
Triclosan Comes under Scrutiny –
Book: Good teeth, birth to death – 1 Jan 1996 by Gerard F Judd
Diets and Weight Loss, Lifestyle

Avoid Chronic Dehydration


Avoid Chronic Dehydration
Water isn’t just “good for you” — water burns fat. Water suppresses hunger. Water renews your skin. Just drinking 12 ounces of pure water every day can take a few years off your face in a matter of weeks. You’ll also drop fat, have more energy, and save your kidneys and liver from chronic overwork.
When your kidneys are taxed from too little water, your liver has to take over. Now, get this: Your liver is your number one fat-burning organ. Do you REALLY want it processing liquids and toxins rather than BURNING FAT? No way, right? Well, grab a glass of water, and watch the mirror. Within a few weeks, the change to your face and body will be noticeable.
Health and Wellness Associates
Archived Article
Diets and Weight Loss

Stop Spinning: You are Just Spinning Your Wheels


Stop Spinning: You’re Just Spinning Your Wheels
Spinning classes can be fun, if you like sitting in one place and torturing yourself. But have you noticed how little people change their bodies in these classes? Sure, it’s good “cardio”, but cardiovascular conditioning can be gained with far less time and effort.
Spinning, and any form of endurance training (especially running) does very little to help the age reversal process. Many times, these long-duration exercise bouts accelerate the aging process by increasing free radicals. These free radicals are scavengers that prey on your body’s essential nutrients and tissues.
Health and Wellness Associates
Archived Article
Diets and Weight Loss

Forget Low Fat!


Forget Low Fat!
Low fat everything has been the craze now for decades and look around. What has that wonderful bit of advice done for the bodies you see? We’re fatter, sicker, and more addicted to sugar and carbs than any other time in history. And, we’re passing these habits to our kids.
Fats are not to be feared – they’re to be embraced. They do not make you fat; rather, they help your body regenerate your power hormones. Testosterone, the ‘strength’ hormone, for example, is the direct result of cholesterol and dietary fat intake. That’s right: “Cholesterol” isn’t a dirty word! Your body needs dietary fat and cholesterol in order to produce ANY AND ALL vital hormones.
People on low fat diets look drawn, gaunt, and weak. They are often sick, sometimes to the point of literally breaking down. And, they can never just enjoy eating out. Every meal and every gram must be accounted for. Do you really think this will make you younger? Of course not… it will worry you to death if it doesn’t kill you first!
Health and Wellness Associates
Archived Article

Caramelized Spiced Pears


Caramelized Spiced Pears
Ingredients 3 ripe but firm pears (about 1 1/2 pounds), cut into 1/4-inch slices 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 3 tablespoons granulated or light brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves Pinch of salt
Directions 1. Serve these caramelized pear slices over ice cream, stir into plain yogurt or enjoy as a topping for pancakes or waffles. Brown-skinned Bosc pears hold their shape during cooking, but any variety of pears tastes delicious.
2. Toss pears with lemon juice in a medium bowl. Melt butter in a large deep skillet or Dutch oven over medium heat; stir in the pears. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and cook, stirring once halfway through, for 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile combine sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and salt in a small bowl. After 10 minutes, stir the sugar mixture into the pears. Increase the heat to medium and cook, stirring often, until the pears are tender and glazed, 4 to 6 minutes, depending on the type and firmness of the pears. Serve warm.
Nutritional Facts Servings6108 calories4 g fat (2 g sat1 g mono)10 mg cholesterol20 g carbohydrate6 g added sugars0 g protein3 g fiber26 mg sodium107 mg potassium
Health and Wellness Associates
Archived Article

Acorn Squash


Acorn Squash , Good and So So Healthy!
Serves: 2 • 1 large acorn squash • 1/4 cup dried unsulfured apricots, soaked in just enough water to almost cover until soft, then diced • 1 1/2 cups pineapple, chopped • 2 tablespoons raisins • 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts • cinnamon Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut squash in half, remove seeds, and bake face down in ½ inch of water for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, combine the apricots and soaking liquid, pineapple, raisins, and walnuts.
After the squash has cooked, scoop the fruit/nut mixture into the squash’s center. Place in pan and cover loosely with aluminum foil. Bake for an additional 30 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon, then put it back in the oven for 5 more minutes.
Health and Wellness Associates
Archived Article
Foods, Health and Disease

Lower Your Cholesterol


To Lower Your Cholesterol…..
Seasoning with 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon to your daily food intake,

could cut your total cholesterol levels 12% plus lower your artery

clogging LDL’s 7% or more, says yet another study done at the

Marylands Beltville Human Nutrition Research Center.
Please remember that those wonderful cinnamon sticks are

just rolled cardboard with a bit of cinnamon oil on them, and cinnamon

made in the United States is saw dust with cinnamon oil on it.  Please get

Vietnamese Cinnamon or Saigon Cinnamon.

So,please go to a reputable spice store to get your cinnamon.

Health and WEllness Associates



Foods, Health and Disease

Keep Away Colds


White button mushrooms keep away colds
If you dread cold and flu season, reach for white
Button mushroom. The Journal of Nutrition reports
That these supermarket staples have the power to rev
Your immune system by generating more virus
Destroying T-cells in your bloodstream.

Also: Eating cabbage coleslaw, lowers your risk
Of catching a cold weather bug. That is because
Cabbage is rich in glutamine, an amino acid that
alerts the immune system faster to invading viruses.

Health and Wellness Associates

P. Carrothers

Archived Article

Foods, Lifestyle

Be Happy! Smell Oranges


Smell the Oranges

Next time you need a hit of happiness,

take three slow, deep sniffs of 100%

pure orange essential oil. The citrusy

scent stimulates mood-boosting brain

receptors, and the affect is so powerful.

Regularly inhaling this aroma can cut blue

moods in half. To stay in a sunny frame of

mind, repeat every 2 to 3 hours throughout

the day.