Health and Disease, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Women and Mesothelioma



Women and Mesothelioma


Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related disease that is commonly found in men who work in blue collar trades. But did you know that women can also be at risk for a deadly diagnosis, as well? There are many ways women can experience secondary asbestos exposure, which can lead to mesothelioma. Here are just a few:


Doing the Laundry

Many women have been exposed to asbestos when doing a loved one’s laundry. Spouses and others who work in blue collar trades, such as electricians, construction workers, and mechanics, can carry asbestos fibers home with them on their clothing after long days at work. If their clothes are shaken out before being washed, asbestos fibers are released into the air and can be inhaled by those doing the laundry. In many cases it has been the wives of workers who are exposed this way.


Hugging a Loved One


As mentioned above, many men who worked in blue collar trades are at risk for asbestos exposure at work. After the worker has returned home, women — including wives and daughters – might greet their spouse or father with a long hug. This embrace could result in exposure to the asbestos fibers that could eventually lead to a mesothelioma diagnosis.


Car Rides

Riding in a car that a worker regularly uses can also lead to asbestos exposure. Those same asbestos fibers that come to rest on a workers’ clothing can follow the individual into their car as they drive home, day after day. Suddenly, car rides with a loved one can turn into a dangerous activity.


Mesothelioma does not discriminate between men and women. If you are a woman who is spending or has spent a lot of time around someone who has been exposed to asbestos, the potential for your own exposure is high. Do not hesitate to alert your doctor if you believe you have been exposed in the past.


Health and Wellness Associates

Archived Article



Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Spa Pops



Spa Pops

This was just sent to me, and I had to share!

These healthy “Spa Pops,” have 4 ingredients and are so easy to make at home!
1 cup julienned seedless cucumber
1 fresh lemon, cut in half and seeds removed
2 cups cold water
Natural Sweetener added to taste: Stevia, Maple Sy…rup, Honey
Popsicle molds
Popsicle sticks

(makes 3 cups of Popsicle mix)

1. For the first step, you’re essentially making lemonade! Pour the 2 cups of water into a pitcher or bowl. Squeeze each lemon half over a strainer into the water (unless you would like a little lemon pulp in your pops!) Add sweetener of choice to taste.
2. Fill Popsicle molds 2/3 full with the lemonade mixture, and freeze uncovered for 1 hour. Do not add cucumbers yet or they will all sink to the bottom of the mold!
3. Remove pops from the freezer and scrape any ice crystals that have formed, stirring the slush around. Add a small spoonful of cucumbers to each pop mold, leaving room so they don’t overflow when the stick is added. Press and mix in the cucumbers with a Popsicle stick or butter knife for even distribution. Add the Popsicle sticks by pushing them into the center of each mold. Freeze pops for another 3-4 hours, or until solid.

Lifestyle, Rx to Wellness, Uncategorized

Good is not always Good!


A New Mammography Innovation is touted as a lifesaver. It is not!

It is exceedingly dangerous in two ways.

If anyone tries to sell you on the wondrous advancement of 3-D mammography, draw the line right there.

Just say, “Never! No way.”
It’s a one-dimensional danger. Inside view Unlike conventional mammography, the new 3-D mammography

(we’ll call it 3-DM) can spot smaller tumors in dense breasts. And almost half of all women have dense breast tissue. But in spite of this improvement, 3-DM is actually WORSE than conventional mammograms.
Two reasons — compression and radiation.
Compression is one of the huge drawbacks of mammography. It’s painful, of course, and that’s bad enough. But compression can actually prompt a tumor to become more active. Conventional mammography requires about 20 seconds of breast compression. That doesn’t sound too bad. But when it’s your breast between the plates, that’s a VERY long 20 seconds. Here’s the kicker… 3-DM more than DOUBLES the compression time to nearly 50 seconds. More painful? Absolutely! But even worse, the risk of stimulating tumor activity also increases.
The radiation problem is just as dangerous. And it goes way beyond mammography. That’s because radiation exposure is cumulative. Every x-ray, cat scan, and mammogram adds to your total lifetime dose. As that total grows, cancer risk grows. Now here’s the second kicker… 3-DM delivers TWICE as much radiation as conventional mammography.