Foods, Uncategorized

High Fiber Diet, for You?



High Fiber Diet


High fiber content in the diet is an important factor in the prevention of certain diseases that are more prevalent in people with a low fiber diet. Because fiber facilitates the passage of materials through the intestine, fiber helps avoid diverticulitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids and even heart disease and some cancers. Two clear advantages of a high fiber diet are less constipation and the fact that the bulk in the high fiber diet lends to a feeling of fullness which helps reduce the likelihood of obesity. Dietary fiber from raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are the best. If you are not having three bowel movements a day, you are not eating correctly, for your body. Of course we can help with that. LOL


Health and Wellness Associates



Foods, Uncategorized






Quinoa, good or bad for YOU!

Quinoa (KEEN-wah) is a type of seed of the goosewort plant, a relative of spinach and chard. Quinoa provides a complete protein, making it especially valuable for vegetarians. Quinoa contains all the essential amino acids, including lysine, which is critical for growing and repairing body tissues. One cup of quinoa has more protein than one egg and is high in magnesium, folate and riboflavin (B2). Quinoa is a prebiotic that feeds beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract and is a great source of insoluble fiber that promotes healthy elimination, helps maintain colon health and prevent the formation of gallstones. Your body can easily digest and access the vitamins and minerals and quinoa making this a most excellent addition to a healthy diet. Recently, we have found that most Quinoa has switched to a corn flour instead of rice. This is causing many problems for people with allergies. Do you know what food allergies, sensitivities, and addictions you have. If not, contact us and we can figure this out together.


Health and Wellness Associates



Foods, Uncategorized

An Apple a Day



An apple a day…

Researchers suggest that the strong antioxidant flavonoid compounds found in

apples-quercetin, play a key role by preventing “bad” LDL

cholesterol from oxidizing and triggering a series of events that result in the

buildup of plaque in arteries, as well as inhibiting inflammation and even

preventing cancer. Apples just happen to be rich in pectin, a form of soluble

fiber known to help lower cholesterol and even chelate heavy metals from the

body. Apples also provide a decent amount of vitamin C which is another

antioxidant. Make mine organic.

picture: Apple Bliossom


Health and Wellness Associates

