Foods, Uncategorized

Chocolate Pumpkin Bars


These are my favorite, not necessarily the healthiest   Dr. M William


Easy Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars Recipe


1 package spice cake mix (regular size)

1 can (15 ounces) solid-pack pumpkin

2 cups (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips, divided


In a large bowl, combine cake mix and pumpkin; beat on low speed for 30 seconds. Beat on medium for 2 minutes. Fold in 1-1/2 cups chocolate chips. Transfer to a greased 13×9-in. baking pan.

Bake at 350° for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack.

In a microwave, melt the remaining chocolate chips; stir until smooth. Drizzle over bars. Let stand until set. Yield: 3 dozen.

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Letting Go! Are you in a Bad Relationship


Letting Go


How to tell if you are in a bad relationship


Have you been dumped, betrayed or left so heartbroken that you didn’t ever want to love again? Are you still stuck on an ex and don’t know how to move on? And how do you know when it’s time to let go and look for love somewhere else?

If you’re “the other woman” who’s waiting for a man to leave his lover, don’t waste your time. “If he’ll do it with you, he’ll do it to you,”. The man you want lacks integrity and can’t make a commitment.

Are your standards too low? “What is it about you that causes you to settle for somebody that you know will cheat on you, know will lie to you, know will make a commitment and then break it? What is it about you that you believe about yourself that you’re willing to settle for that?” Recognize that you’re settling and that you deserve more. Set a higher standard for yourself.

Does he really even make you happy? Be honest with yourself about the extent to which he’s really meeting your needs. Chances are you’re longing for the relationship that you wish it could be, and that you want to be in love with the person you wish he was.  “There are times when you break up with somebody and you start missing them and you start thinking about all the good things. And then you’re back with them for about 10 minutes and you go ‘Oh yeah! Now I remember why I hate you!’” Don’t kid yourself about what it was really like or glorify the past.

Don’t wait around because you think he’s going to change. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so the chance that he’s going to ride in on his white horse and do the right thing is pretty slim.  “To the extent that there’s some history, you don’t have to speculate, you just have to measure.”

Don’t put your life on hold. Every minute you spend focusing on your ex is a minute that’s holding you back from a better future.  “As long you are obsessed on this guy, you will never put your heart, soul and mind into getting your life in order and starting another relationship if you want one.” Set some goals and start putting your life back together.

Ask yourself: Are you hiding in the relationship so you don’t have to face the reality of being on your own? Don’t stay with someone because it’s comfortable and safe. It may seem more secure, but it’s not healthy for you and it certainly won’t help you get to a better place. Why would you want to settle and waste your life away just to avoid getting back in the game?

Be clear with him. “You’ve got to say not just ‘no,’ but ‘hell no,'”.  “‘Get out of my life. Stay away from me. Don’t call me.'” If you live together, it’s time to move out, or you may need to change your phone number.  “Do what you have to do.” If the circumstances are more complicated or severe, you may need to get a lawyer in order to get child support or to hold him accountable for any other outstanding issues.

Don’t hold all men responsible for the mistake your ex made. Why should he pay for the sins of someone else who may have wronged you?

Learn to trust again — by trusting yourself. It  tells a man who’s having a hard time letting women back into his life: “Trust is not about how much you trust one person or another to do right or wrong. How much you trust another person is a function of how much you trust yourself to be strong enough to deal with their imperfections.” Have enough faith in yourself to be able to put yourself on the line with someone, without any guarantee of what will happen next. If you’re playing the game with sweaty palms, it’s because you’re afraid of what you can or can’t do, or dealing with your own imperfections — it’s not about the other person.


Know that you will get hurt if you’re in a relationship. There is no perfect person without flaws. Even a well-intended guy is going to hurt his partner. He’s going to hurt your feelings. He’s going to say things that you don’t want him to say. He’s going to do things you wish he wouldn’t do and not do things you wish he would do. A relationship is an imperfect union between two willing spirits who say, ”I’d rather be in a relationship and share my life, share my joys, share my fun, share my activities, share my life than do it alone.” If you want to be in a relationship, know that getting hurt comes with the territory. You just have to decide that you are durable enough, that you have enough confidence in yourself that you can handle it.

Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. While it’s important to move forward, you need to take things one step at a time. Don’t put so much out there that you’ll be emotionally bankrupt if things go south.

Don’t beat yourself up. You got through your last experience, you’ve learned from it, and now it’s time to move forward.  “You’ll move on and be a champion in your next endeavor as you did in your past … Life is not a success-only journey. You are going to get beat up along the way.”

Focus on yourself. All of us come into relationships with baggage, but you need to have closure on past experiences before you can start a new relationship with the odds in your favor.  “Unless and until you’ve figured out everything you’ve got to figure out about that and you get closure, you will never come into a relationship with a fresh and clean heart and mind and expectancy and attitude.” You’re probably not ready to get into another relationship until you heal the wounds of your past.

Listen to what he’s saying. If he’s telling you that you want different things out of life and there’s no way you can work as a couple, don’t turn his words around into what you want to hear. He’s being quite clear.

Know the statistics. “There’s a 50/50 chance a marriage is going to work if both people are head over heels in love, passionate and willing to climb the mountain, swim the river and slay the dragon to get to each other. That’s with everybody crazy in love and running toward each other in that field that we see in the commercials. The problem you’ve got here is he’s running the other way in the field! So if it’s 50/50 when you’re running toward each other, what do you think it is when the other person is running out of the field and hiding in the woods?”


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr. M Williams


Lifestyle, Uncategorized

PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Symptoms


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Symptoms


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex anxiety disorder that may develop after exposure to an extremely stressful or life-threatening event — involving death, the threat of death or serious injury — with resulting intense fear, helplessness or horror. If you experience these symptoms for a duration of more than a month, you could be suffering from PTSD.


Persistently Re-Experiencing the Event Having recurring dreams about the event or having persistent and distressing recollections of the event. Feeling and acting as if the trauma was reoccurring — hallucinations or flashbacks — and experiencing distress when exposed to cues. For example, Dr. Phil’s guest, Shelia, was attacked at gunpoint in her house, so when she is at home, she often replays the event in her mind.


Avoiding Stimuli Associated with the Trauma Making efforts to avoid thoughts, conversations, people, places and activities associated with the trauma, and avoiding activities, places or people that arouse recollections of the trauma. Shelia makes every effort to avoid being inside her house. She often spends long periods of time at the mall and sits in her car outside her home so she doesn’t have to go inside.


Numbing of General Responsiveness Pulling back and having a diminished interest in activities that are significant, and suffering low energy. Feeling detached or estranged from others. Displaying a restricted range of affect — unable to have loving feelings, or don’t want to become excited and happy or let scared emotions out.


Increased Arousal Symptoms Not Present before the Trauma Being easily startled, having difficulty sleeping or concentrating. Developing a heightened irritability and/or having angry outbursts. Becoming hypervigilant — behaviors you did not experience before the event.


Disturbance Impairs Other Areas of Functioning Experiencing significant impairment in social or occupational activities or any other important areas of functioning. Shelia has a difficult time working, because loud noises easily startle her.


If you have any questions or concerns about this or any area of healthcare please call us.


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr. M Williams




Sleeping Pills Are Not Safe for Anyone!



Sleeping pills are not safe for anyone!



Not for people with congestive heart failure (CHF), Blood Pressure or any cardiac problems and not for healthy adults with insomnia. We are not talking about minor issues; we’re talking about problems leading to hospital re-admissions, death, or an increased risk for developing cancer!


According to information presented in May of 2014 at the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology in Athens, Greece, the risk for a major cardiac event in patients discharged from the hospital with CHF is increased 8 fold. And, because patients with CHF often have insomnia, they are usually given prescriptions for sleeping pills!


In another article published in the February 2012 issue of the British Medical Journal, adults using sleeping pills that included Restoril, Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, and some antihistamines such as Benadryl, had a 3-fold increased risk for early death and a 35% increased risk for developing cancer. Wow! People using as little as 1-2 sleeping pills per month had a 360% increase in these risks and those taking just one pill every 3 nights had a 530% increase in these risks.


This points out how important it is to find out why someone is not sleeping and to treat the cause rather than just suppressing the symptoms of insomnia.


If you have any questions call us at

Health and WELLness Associates


Dr J Jaranson


Rx to Wellness, Uncategorized

Statins are Dangerous! Educate Your Doctor



Statins are Dangerous! Educate Your Doctor.


The idea that saturated fat is bad for your heart and should be avoided to prevent heart disease is misguided to say the least.


There’s no telling how many people have been harmed by this dangerous advice, as scientific evidence shows that a lack of healthy fat actually increases your cardiovascular health risks, but the number is likely significant.


Adding insult to injury, cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) have become the go-to “preventive medicine,” despite ever-mounting evidence showing that these drugs can do far more harm than good as well.


Taken together, a low-fat diet and statins is a recipe for chronic health problems, and I cannot advise against falling into this trap strongly enough.


One in four Americans over the age of 45 currently take a statin drug, despite the fact that there are over 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk—not to mention an increased risk for heart failure!


Questions have also been raised about statins’ potential to cause amnesia and/or dementia-like symptoms in some patients. According to Scientific American,1 hundreds of such cases have been registered with MedWatch, the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) adverse drug reaction database.


Statin Guidelines May Hurt Millions of Healthy People



In November 2013, the US updated its guidelines on cholesterol,2 focusing more on risk factors rather than cholesterol levels—a move estimated to double the number of Americans being prescribed these dangerous drugs.


According to the highly criticized new guideline, if you answer “yes” to ANY of the following four questions, your treatment protocol will call for a statin drug:

1.Do you have heart disease?

2.Do you have diabetes? (either type 1 or type 2)

3.Is your LDL cholesterol above 190?

4.Is your 10-year risk of a heart attack greater than 7.5 percent?


Your 10-year heart attack risk involves the use of a cardiovascular risk calculator, which researchers have warned may overestimate your risk by anywhere from 75 to 150 percent—effectively turning even very healthy people at low risk for heart problems into candidates for statins.


The guideline also does away with the previous recommendation to use the lowest drug dose possible.3 The new guideline basically focuses ALL the attention on statin-only treatment, and at higher dosages.


The UK followed suit in July 2014, recommending statins for otherwise healthy people with a 10 percent or greater 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). As in the US, this was a dramatic change in recommendation, raising the number of Britons eligible for statins by about 4.5 million.


Pediatric Statin Guidelines Dramatically Increase Number of Teens on These Dangerous Drugs



Even teens and young adults are now being placed on statins. In 2011, the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) issued new guidelines4,5 for reducing heart disease in children and adolescents, recommending statin treatment if cholesterol levels are at a certain level.


Meanwhile, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) have far tighter restrictions on the use of statins in those under the age of 40.


According to a new study,6 if doctors follow the NHLBI’s guidelines, nearly half a million teens and young adults between the ages of 17-21 will be placed on statins. As reported by



“Gooding’s team found that 2.5 percent of those with elevated levels of ‘bad’ low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol would qualify for statin treatment under the NHLBI cholesterol guidelines for children, compared with only 0.4 percent under the ACC/AHA adult guidelines.


That means that 483,500 people in that age group would qualify for statin treatment under the NHLBI guidelines, compared with 78,200 under adult guidelines…


It’s common for abnormal cholesterol levels and other heart disease risk factors to start appearing when people are teens, but the two sets of recommendations offer doctors conflicting advice, the researchers said.


For now, they recommend that physicians and patients ‘engage in shared decision making around the potential benefits, harms, and patient preferences for treatment…’”


Statin Drugs Can Wreck Your Health in Multiple Ways



Ironically, while statins are touted as “preventive medicine” to protect your heart health, these drugs can actually have detrimental effects on your heart, especially if you fail to supplement with CoQ10 (or better yet, ubiquinol, which is the reduced and more effective form of CoQ10).


For example, a study published in the journal Atherosclerosis8 showed that statin use is associated with a 52 percent increased prevalence and extent of calcified coronary plaque compared to non-users. And coronary artery calcification is the hallmark of potentially lethal heart disease.


Statins have also been shown to increase your risk of diabetes via a number of different mechanisms, so if you weren’t put on a statin because you have diabetes, you may end up with a diabetes diagnosis courtesy of the drug. Two of these mechanisms include:

  • Increasing insulin resistance, which contributes to chronic inflammation in your body, and inflammation is the hallmark of most diseases. In fact, increased insulin resistance can lead to heart disease, which, again, is the primary reason for taking a statin in the first place.


It can also promote belly fat, high blood pressure, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, thyroid disruption, and diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

  • Raising your blood sugar. When you eat a meal that contains starches and sugar, some of the excess sugar goes to your liver, which then stores it away as cholesterol and triglycerides. Statins work by preventing your liver from making cholesterol. As a result, your liver returns the sugar to your bloodstream, which raises your blood sugar levels.


Drug-induced diabetes and conventional lifestyle induced type 2 diabetes are not necessarily identical. If you’re on a statin drug and find that your blood glucose is elevated, it’s possible that what you have is just hyperglycemia—a side effect, and the result of your medication.Unfortunately, many doctors will at that point mistakenly diagnose you with “type 2 diabetes,” and possibly prescribe yet another drug, when all you may need to do is simply discontinue the statin.


Statins also interfere with other biological functions. Of utmost importance, statins deplete your body of CoQ10, which accounts for many of its devastating results Therefore, if you take a statin, you must take supplemental CoQ10 or ubiquinol. Statins also interfere with the mevalonate pathway, which is the central pathway for the steroid management. Products of this pathway that are negatively affected by statins include:

  • All your sex hormones
  • Cortisone
  • The dolichols, which are involved in keeping the membranes inside your cells healthy
  • All sterols, including cholesterol and vitamin D (which is similar to cholesterol and is produced from cholesterol in your skin)


Refined Carbs—Not Fat—Are Responsible for Heart Disease



As noted by the Institute for Science in Society,9 Ancel Keys’ 1963 “Seven Countries Study” was instrumental in creating the saturated fat myth. He claimed to have found a correlation between total cholesterol concentration and heart disease, but in reality this was the result of cherry picking data.


When data from 16 excluded countries are added back in, the association between saturated fat consumption and mortality vanishes. In fact, the full data set suggests that those who eat the most saturated animal fat tend to have a lower incidence of heart disease:



“Nevertheless, people were advised to cut fat intake to 30 percent of total energy and saturated fat to 10 percent. Dietary fat is believed to have the greatest influence on cardiovascular risk through elevated concentrations of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. But the reduction in LDL cholesterol from reducing saturated fat intake appears to be specific to large, buoyant type A LDL particles, when it is the small dense type B particles – responsive to carbohydrate intake – that are implicated in cardiovascular disease.” [Emphasis mine]


We’ve long acknowledged that the Western diet is associated with increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Yet the conventional paradigm is extremely reluctant to accept that it is the sugar content of this diet that is the primary culprit. When you eat more non-vegetable carbohydrates than your body can use, the excess is converted to fat by your liver. This process occurs to help your body maintain blood sugar control in the short-term, however it will likely increase triglyceride concentrations, which will increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.


Excessive consumption of refined grains and added sugars will also elevate your insulin and leptin levels and raise your risk of insulin/leptin resistance, which is at the heart of many chronic health problems. High insulin levels also suppresses two other important hormones — glucagons and growth hormones — that are responsible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle development, respectively.


So elevated insulin from excess carbohydrates promotes fat accumulation, and then dampens your body’s ability to lose that fat. Excess weight and obesity not only lead to heart disease but also a wide variety of other diseases.So, while whole grains are allowed to make health claims saying they’re heart healthy, and low-fat foods are conventionally recognized as healthy for your heart, please remember that replacing saturated fats in your diet (like those from grass-fed beef, raw organic butter, and other high-quality animal foods) with carbohydrates (like breakfast cereal, bread, bagels, and pasta) will actually increase your risk of heart disease, not lower it.


Studies Show Saturated Fat Is Not Associated with Increased Heart Disease Risk, But Sugar Is



In one 2010 study,10 women who ate the most high glycemic foods had more than double the risk of developing heart disease as women who ate the fewest. Previous studies, including an excellent one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,11 have also linked high-carb diets to heart disease. Contrary to popular belief, the scientific evidence also shows that saturated fat is in fact a necessary part of a heart healthy diet, and firmly debunks the myth that saturated fat promotes heart disease.


For example:

  • In a 1992 editorial published in the Archives of Internal Medicine,12 Dr. William Castelli, a former director of the Framingham Heart study, stated:



“In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s serum cholesterol. The opposite of what… Keys et al would predict… We found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active.”

  • A 2010 meta-analysis,13 which pooled data from 21 studies and included nearly 348,000 adults, found no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat.
  • Another 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition14 found that a reduction in saturated fat intake must be evaluated in the context of replacement by other macronutrients, such as carbohydrates. When you replace saturated fat with a higher carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbohydrate, you exacerbate insulin resistance and obesity, increase triglycerides and small LDL particles, and reduce beneficial HDL cholesterol.The authors state that dietary efforts to improve your cardiovascular disease risk should primarily emphasize the limitation of refined carbohydrate intake, and weight reduction.
  • A 2014 meta-analysis15 of 76 studies by researchers at Cambridge University found no basis for guidelines that advise low saturated fat consumption to lower your cardiac risk, calling into question all of the standard nutritional guidelines related to heart health. According to the authors: “Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats.”


Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Effectively Protect Your Heart Health



Contrary to what pharmaceutical PR firms will tell you, statins have nothing to do with reducing your heart disease risk. In fact, this class of drugs can actually increase your heart disease risk—especially if you do not take ubiquinol (CoQ10) along with it to mitigate the depletion of CoQ10 caused by the drug.Poor lifestyle choices are primarily to blame for increased heart disease risk, such as eating too much refined sugar and processed foods, getting too little exercise and movement, lack of sun exposure and rarely, or never grounding to the earth. These are all things that are within your control, and don’t cost much (if any) money to address.


It’s also worth noting that statins can effectively nullify the benefits of exercise, which in and of itself is important to bolster heart health and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. In fact, one of the best ways to condition your heart is to engage in high-intensity interval exercise.16,17 Taking a drug that counteracts your personal efforts to improve your health seems like a really questionable tactic. If you’re currently taking a statin drug and are worried about the excessive side effects they cause, please consult with a knowledgeable health care practitioner who can help you to optimize your heart health naturally, without the use of these dangerous drugs.


Health and WELLness Associates


Dr J Jaranson


Rx to Wellness, Uncategorized

You Can Use Aspirin for What?


You didn’t know these uses of aspirin – try it now!


One of the best-known painkillers in the world is aspirin. It is most commonly used for headaches. But in its composition, has chemicals can help to other, non-medical purpose.

Here is a list of purpose that aspirin can help you.

  1. Skin refresher

If you are experiencing problematic skin, aspirin is the solution. The salicylic acid removes oil and dead cells. As it is reported in Everyday Health, it is an incredible opponent to acne and psoriasis, as it can unclog pores and lowers swelling, skin lesions and redness. Make a mixture of five crushed pills with a quarter cup of water and, optionally, a teaspoon of honey. Apply to your skin and leave it to stay for 10 minutes. After that, wash it off.


  1. Removes stains from sweat

Sweat stains are very uncomfortable on your clothes that they become nearly waterproof, and hard to wash off with regular laundry cycles. In this case aspirin can help. Make a paste like the one above and apply it to the stains on your clothing. Leave it to act for a few minutes, and after that rinse and run through a regular wash cycle.


  1. Eliminate dandruff

As we said, aspirin consists of salicylic acid. That is a chemical that can do many things. It has a strong moisturizing ability, and can aid in reducing the formation of dandruff in your hair. According to Dr. Joshua Zeichner, cosmetic and clinical researcher in dermatology, applying aspirin combined with shampoo to your scalp may help reduce scalp inflammation that leads to dandruff and help exfoliate flakes on the skin. Crush two to three aspirins into your shampoo and massage your scalp with the mixture. After that, leave it to stay a few minutes before rinsing off.


  1. Car mechanic

If your car’s battery leaves you hanging in the middle of nowhere, but, you cannot wait for a rescue, then you should try this: Inscrutable advises dropping crushed aspirin tablets directly into the battery, a couple for each cell, after popping it open. As per Reader’s Digest, the salicylic acid can act with the sulfuric acid within the battery. Additionally, it helps itself get just enough of a boost for your car to drag itself to a station.


  1. Helps in the garden

Salicylic acid is also capable of blocking both ethylene production and mold. These are the two major causes of wilting in garden flowers and in cut flower arrangements. You will help your greens live longer, if you add a crushed tablet of aspirin to the water you pour on your flowers, or the water you place bouquets in.


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr J Jaranson




Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Health Potion!


Health Potion!


What happens when you mix beets, carrots and apples: A glass of juice that destroys all diseases!


Homemade juices are the best and most nutritious. We ourselves select the ingredients and know that they will not added any additives or preservatives.

It is also good to know which fruits and vegetables are the best combination.


Mixing beetroot, carrot and apple is incredible combination due to theirs nutrients:

Apples – They are high in fiber and vitamin C, and they are also low in calories, have only a trace of sodium, and no fat or cholesterol.


The high content of carbohydrates, especially fructose and glucose, apple supplies the body with energy and prevents fatigue.


Carrot – is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and K. It contains minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium and selenium.


They help in weight loss and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health.


The carotene antioxidants in them have also been linked to reduced risk of cancer.


Beetroot– is of exceptional nutritional value; especially the greens, which are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C.


Beetroots are an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of fiber, manganese and potassium.




Against cancer


This potion restores hope to people suffering from cancer. Not only proven applicable in the treatment of lung cancer, it prevents the development of almost all kinds of malignant tumor cells.


Beets comprising amino acid betaine, having anti-cancer properties. Beetroot is a traditional remedy for leukemia.


Heart protection and blood vessels


The carrot juice are phytonutrients that promote heart health, such as alpha and beta-carotene, and lutein.


Thanks to the apple, beverage positive effect on the increased level of bad cholesterol (LDL), regulates blood pressure and protects the heart from various diseases. Beetroot helps to keep arteries elastic and proven to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.


Perfect skin


Studies have shown that the juice of beetroot, carrot and apple has everything you need for perfect skin. It will help to keep the skin clean, without pimples and acne.


The excellent anti-inflammatory agent, which cures skin diseases associated with viruses and bacteria, as well as allergies.


The wealth of natural ingredients slow down the aging process of the skin and help with wrinkles, dry and damaged skin and restore its luster and elasticity.


Improves vision


With the help of this beverage can solve the problem of dry, red and tired eyes.


Natural juice will help you to rest your eyes after long work at the computer and preserve their natural health.


Plenty of Vitamin A is proven to help preserve vision.


Natural ally against women’s problems


Women who have severe menstrual pain should often drink this potion. It helps with painful cramps and PMS.


At the same time, makes up for the loss of iron and removes fatigue associated with the menstrual cycle.


How to Prepare this Elixir of Health:


To prepare this drink does not have to bother precisely specified quantities. According to your taste, you can put more carrots or apples.


Use unpeeled fruits grown organically. Nutritionally richer and healthier because they are not treated with pesticides and other harmful chemicals.


Those who want to get the most benefits from this juice should represent all three ingredients in the same quantities. Eg. 3 apples, 3 beetroot and 3 carrots. From fresh fruits and vegetables make the juice in the juice extractor – Cut apples, beets and carrots and mix. Strain and pour into a jar and refrigerate, if you have made a greater amount of juice.


The infusion should not be further sweeten. But, can a complete taste fresh lemon lime or lemon is rich in vitamin C. This prevents oxidation of the juice.


How to use the potion


The infusion of beetroot, carrot and apple drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. Have breakfast after an hour.


The beverage can drink twice a day. The second time you drink to 17 pm.

It is recommended to drink it slowly and every sip briefly keep in your mouth.


The treatment juice should continuously take from one to three months, if you want to achieve long-term beneficial effects on your health.

Health and Wellness Associates


Dr J Jaranson




Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

11 Kid Snacks made with Harmful Chemicals


These 11 Snacks Are Marketed To Kids, But Did You Know They Could Be Deadly?


We all know we should eat as few processed foods as possible.

There are some snacks, however, that are worse for you and your kids than others. When I think of petroleum, I think of oil fields and putting gas in my car. I had no idea that it was also used in some common treats that are marketed to children. Usually, the petroleum products are in dyes used to create bright colors, and those dyes have been linked to many conditions, including cancer, hyperactivity, and allergic reactions. Here are some snacks to avoid.


  1. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese uses artificial dyes made with petroleum, like Yellow 5 and Yellow 6.
  2. Some Pop-Tarts use Red 40 dye, and most use Synthetic B6, made up of hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde, and petroleum ester.
  3. Fruit Roll-Ups use dyes like Red 3, but the good news is that it’s easy and fun to make all natural versions at home.
  4. Even crackers like these can have hidden dangers. Club Crackers contain tertiary butylhydroquinone (THBQ), a controversial ingredient responsible for keeping certain oils from spoiling.
  5. Say it ain’t so! Yellow 5, Yellow 6, and Red 40 are all found in M&Ms.
  6. Just like the macaroni and cheese, Cheetos have Yellow 6 dye, but they also contain methyl benzoate and ethyl methylphenylglicidate. All three ingredients are derived from petroleum.
  7. Certain varieties of Pringles contain Red 40 dye, which is “reasonably anticipated” to cause cancer according to the U.S. Department of Health.
  8. Red 3 dye in fruit snacks has been banned in cosmetics for its link to tumors.
  9. Many of the petroleum-based dyes in Froot Loops have been banned in other countries.
  10. Teddy Grahams contain the same chemical as Club Crackers, THBQ, which can cause difficulties in breathing, vomiting, and nausea in large doses.
  11. Cheez-Its are coated in THBQ to extend their shelf life and they’re full of yellow food dyes.



Make sure you always check the labels before you eat processed snacks, and share this list to protect your family and friends!


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr P Carrothers



Can a Common Spice Treat Depression?



Can a Common Spice Treat Depression?


If you find yourself grappling with depression, you are—for better or worse—not alone. However, if you do suffer from depression, you do feel alone.


As of 2012, diagnoses of depression are growing at an alarming rate and, as if depression alone weren’t enough, states that report high rates of depression also report accompanying physical manifestations of stress with greater obesity rates and incidences of heart disease.


Perhaps you have tried talking with a therapist or counselor, which is an effective way to tackle this often desperation-inducing condition, but it often works even better when you treat the chemical side of the issue. Doctors often prescribe a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) such as Fluoxentine, Sertraline and Citalopram, and they are often effective but they sometimes come with side effects that may complicate treatment, at the very least.


Another option you might consider is looking into natural treatments for depression. You might even ask your physician or psychiatric professional what experience and information they have regarding natural approaches to treating depression.

Some of the most common treatments include St. John’s Wort, 5HTP, SAMe, L-Theanine, Vitamin D3, B-vitamins and Fish Oil.


Treatment with Turmeric


Lurking in your spice rack is a potentially powerful component of your depression treatment. Something as delightful and delectable as turmeric that adds the beautiful yellow color to your curry dishes and mustard can actually become an integral part of your wellness. Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a wide range of conditions, illnesses and disorders for more than 4,000 years and in China from 700 A.D.


Curcumin and Neurogenesis


Curcumin, which is turmeric’s active ingredient, has been tested on animals and has shown effective improvement over depression in the animals. According to Dr. Weil, curcumin spurs nerve growth in the frontal cortex and hippocampal portions of the brain. One line of thinking attributes depression to damage to the hippocampal neurons, so anything that serves to repair that area might serve as the secret weapon against depression. Along with high impact exercise, bright light and learning, Curcumin has the potential to increase neurogenesis to decrease the negative effects of depression, if not the depression itself.

Curcumin and Turmeric Increase Serotonin and Dopamine in the Brain

Similar to the benefits of SSRIs, turmeric and curcumin increase serotonin levels, which help regulate sleep, learning, memory and mood. To a lesser degree, curcumin increases the level of dopamine in the brain, which controls emotional responses to situations and movement.

Turmeric On Its Own for Treating Depression?

While turmeric is effective in conjunction with SSRIs, it is not yet certain whether you could eschew your antidepressant prescription quite yet. Your doctor might have more information about the synergistic effects of taking turmeric or curcumin as a complement to your SSRI prescription or any other medication you might take to help with depression.


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr G Carney




Foods, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Dairy Crack!


Dairy Crack


Cheese really is crack. Study reveals cheese is as addictive as drugs


For years you have been telling people how much you love cheese.  Cheese on everything at every meal if you could.  Now, will you listen that you’re addicted to cheese. It’s a part of every meal or snack, and you think about it constantly.  A new study suggests food addiction is a real thing.

The study, published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, examines why certain foods are more addictive than others. Researchers identified addictive foods from about 500 people who completed the Yale Food Addiction Scale, designed to measure if someone has a food addiction.

Pizza, unsurprisingly, came out on top of the most addictive food list. Besides being a basic food group for kids, college students and adults, there’s a scientific reason we all love pizza, and it has to do with the cheese.

The study found certain foods are addictive because of the way they are processed. The more processed and fatty the food, the more it was associated with addictive eating behaviors.

Cheese happens to be especially addictive because of an ingredient called casein, a protein found in all milk products. During digestion, casein releases opiates called casomorphins. Casomorphins are created from chemicals that are in the milk, and work with the processing of cheeses.

“[Casomorphins] really play with the dopamine receptors and trigger that addictive element,” registered dietitian Cameron Wells told Mic.

There are new studies ahead of how eating cheese as a child will have an effect on their ability to resist addictions in adulthood.  In a quick study in Los Angeles CA., college students went to people on the street and in shelters and asked the residents “If you could have any food right now, what would you ask for?”   Almost 100% said cheese.

So there you have it. Your cheese addiction has been validated by science.


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr G Carney
