Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Is Vaseline Good for Dry Skin?


Would you be excited to buy an inexpensive cream that helps your skin lock in natural moisture, relieves skin irritation and prevents wrinkles? You probably have it in your own home, petroleum jelly or more commonly known by the brand name Vaseline. Vaseline is a popular brand in most if not all homes. So, is Vaseline good for dry skin? This article answers this question and outlines other uses of this old petroleum jelly.


Is Vaseline Good for Dry Skin?


Petroleum jelly is an emollient and occlusive ointment which when applied leaves the skin soft and smooth. The skin tends to lose essential oils and transdermal water. Petroleum jelly prevents this loss and helps the skin retain its moisture. Hence, it is often referred to as a skin protectant or sealant in the cosmetics industry.

If you are still struggling with the question, is Vaseline good for dry skin? Here is the reason why you should try it. Vaseline petroleum jelly is made of mineral oil, paraffin and microcrystalline waxes. The three ingredients are blended together to form a smooth filling whose melting point is slightly above the normal body temperature. When this smooth filling melts, it flows to spaces between cells and covers the gaps in the skin’s lipid barrier. Once it solidifies, it acts as a sealant that prevents water loss. In addition, Vaseline protects your skin from the effects of harsh weather and contaminants.


How to Use Vaseline for Dry Skin


Step 1


Take a warm shower or bath for about 10 minutes or less. Do not exceed 10 minutes because your skin loses its natural moisture every time you take a long shower or bath.


Step 2


Use a fluffy towel to pat your skin gently. Do not leave your skin completely dry or rub it because rubbing irritates your face and leaves it dry.


Step 3


Use your fingers to apply petroleum jelly on your slightly moist and warm skin. Use circular motions to massage petroleum jelly into your cheeks, chin, forehead and motion. Your motions should be circular and gentle. Use long, upward strokes to apply petroleum jelly on your neck. Start from the lower part of your neck and move your fingers upwards to your chin. Continue massaging your skin until both your skin and fingers are dry.


Step 4


Repeat this process every time you take a shower or bath. You can also apply the jelly after cleansing your face to help your skin retain its natural moisture.


Step 5


Apply petroleum jelly on dry and chapped parts of your skin throughout the day.


Unexpected Ways of Using Vaseline


Having answered the question, is Vaseline good for dry skin? Let us look at other uses of Vaseline.


  1. Vaseline Removes Lash Glue


You should remove false lashes before going to bed. Jugging them damages the delicate skin around your eyes. If some lash strips are stuck, apply Vaseline with a cotton swab on your lash line. Wait for a few minutes then peel them off gently.


  1. Prevents Brows


You can use Vaseline to keep your brows including stubborn brows in place all day. Rub some petroleum jelly between two fingers then apply it on your arches.

  1. To Conceal Split Ends


Split ends are not attractive. Applying a small of amount of Vaseline on split ends moisturizes and hides their appearance. You must be careful when applying Vaseline on your split ends because too much of it will make your hair look greasy and messy.


  1. To Open Your Nail Polish Cap


You can open a stuck cap of your polish without damaging your nails or hurting your fingers. Applying Vaseline on the bottle’s thread makes it open easily.


  1. Vaseline Heals Sunburns


Sometimes we forget to apply sunscreen when at the beach or basking in the sun. Exposing your skin to the sun for long hours leaves it red and is sometimes painful. Applying Vaseline to sunburns helps your skin lock in moisture and prevents peeling.


  1. It Makes Your Lashes Conspicuous


If you prefer minimal beauty products on your face, you can use Vaseline to make your lashes look shiny and thicker. Vaseline makes your lashes look longer and more luminous, and grow faster.


  1. Vaseline Can Be Used on Your Nails


Rubbing Vaseline on your nails several times in a day softens and improves the appearance of your cuticles. When used in a manicure, Vaseline makes your cuticles pliable when tending back. It is an excellent care for your fingertips and restores the glisten and shine on your nail polish.


  1. Use for Your Teeth


Most people think that Vaseline is only used on skin. Applying Vaseline on teeth is an old trick that was used to make dancers and performers enthusiastic about grinning. Today, applying jelly on your teeth is a beauty tip that prevents your lips from sticking onto your teeth. You can use this tip when applying your lipstick to ensure that the lipstick does not get to your teeth. Only a small of amount of jelly would do.


  1. Vaseline for Hair Use


Applying Vaseline on hair has several benefits. It helps your hair lock in moisture and treats a dry scalp. Vaseline should be used sparingly on hair because it is difficult to wash out. It helps reduce scaling and itching caused by dandruff. When using Vaseline for this purpose, apply it on your scalp and rub it in gently before shampooing your hair.


Applying a mask of Vaseline along your hairline protects your skin against harmful hair dyes and the effects of perming and straightening chemicals. Vaseline is also used in place of styling gel. Rub a small amount of the jelly on your hands and apply it thoroughly on your hair.


  1. Heals and Prevents Rashes Due to Chaffing


When tackling the question, is Vaseline good for dry skin? We discovered that Vaseline protects and heals the skin. Many people suffer from rashes caused by chaffing. Vaseline prevents this condition. Runners and cyclists use the jelly on their thighs to protect their skin from rashes. You can use Vaseline to prevent nipple chaffing or as a protecting coat for any part of your body.


When not to use Vaseline

If you are having any problems with infertility, menstrual problems, accelerated aging, allergies, and autoimmune problems as well as nutrient deficiencies, sleep problems and even some types of cancers, then I would recommend Coconut Oil only.


Health and Wellness Associates


Patricia Carrothers

Dir. Personalized Healthcare and Preventative Medicine


Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Foods that Balance Hormones in Women


Foods That Balance Hormones in Females


Here’s our top list of foods that help to balance hormones in females.Make sure you include at least 3 items from the list mention below in your daily diet.


  1. Whey Protein


Apart from giving your body a dose of protein, whey protein happens to be a wonderful source of tryptophan, which helps reduce stress and anxiety felt by the body by increasing your serotonin levels.


  1. Flaxseeds

Rich in compounds like phytoestrogen and lignans, flaxseeds not only help maintain your hormonal levels but also fight against cancers like colon, prostrate and breast.


  1. Avocados


Avocados are hands down one of the best foods that balance hormones in females. Listed below are some of their many wonderful properties:


They balance the production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.

They lower blood cholesterol levels due to the presence of beta-sitosterol in them (avocados).

They help increase the production of a hormone called DHEA, which is produced by the adrenal gland.

  1. Green Tea


Green tea contains a naturally occurring compound known as theanine, which inhibits the release of cortisol. This in turn keeps your stress and anxiety levels to a minimum. Do not take this if you have and blood pressure , cardiac, sleep disorders or are pregnant.


  1. Coconut Oil

Try and opt for coconut oil as your cooking medium. Don’t believe stories that it’s bad for your heart. Quite the opposite – not only does it work wonders for your hormonal levels, but also keeps your blood sugar under control, increases your immunity, helps with weight loss and improves your metabolism.



  1. Broccoli


Broccoli contains high amounts of isothiocyanates, including indole-3-carbinol, which makes broccoli an excellent option for keeping your hormones under control. How? Well, they help your body in breaking down harmful metabolites that otherwise encourage the growth of tumors, especially in your breast area, which also happens to be sensitive to estrogen. Apart from broccoli, veggies like kale, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower give you the same benefits as broccoli does.


  1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are one of the best sources of omega-3 out there, as well as fiber. Apart from lowering your blood sugar levels, these seeds help you with your blood pressure and insulin levels as well. When it comes to foods that balance hormones in females, none is as versatile as chia seeds – you can add them to practically any food item, whip up a new dish, and consume it on the go!


  1. Organic Apples


Did you know that continued consumption of apples reduces not only your chances of developing medical problems (osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer), but also help keep Type 2 Diabetes in control? It is all thanks to the flavonoid quercetin present in apples, which happen to be naturally occurring antihistamines. Apples also, you know, contain Phytoestrogens, which are more commonly known as plant derived estrogen.


  1. Chaste Berry


By stimulating the pituitary gland, chaste berries mimic the effect that progesterone has on the human body. It helps in the regulation of progesterone and estrogen production in your body, which is why it’s considered to be a great natural remedy for the treatment of problems related to PMS.


Other Ways to Naturally Balance Hormones in Females

Apart from consuming foods that balance hormones in females,here are other things you can take care of to maintain a healthy balance of hormones inside your body:


  1. Making Changes in Your Food Habits


These are all pretty standard and obvious things, but they still need to be said:


Eat 4-5 small meals instead of 3 big ones.

Eat smaller portions of food.

Include green veggies and fresh fruits in your diet. If fresh fruits aren’t an option, then stock up on frozen fruits.

Packaged foods/meals are a big no.

Drink lots of water. Never skimp on it.

Eat food at regular intervals.

Never skip your breakfast.

Maintain a meal diary to see where you’re over eating, and where you’re lagging.

  1. Use Herbs as Condiments


Just make sure you’re opting for phytoestrogenic herbs, as they contain compounds that are high in estrogen. When consumed, they lower your body’s pressure of producing more estrogen by providing the aid hormone directly to your body via food.


  1. Limit Your Caffeine and Alcohol Intake


Apart from having diuretic properties (aka making you dehydrated), such drinks provide an instant boost to your mind and body at a cost – by permanently changing the way your brain uses your body’s hormones. Plus, drinking alcohol heavily leads to an overproduction of estrogen by your body.


  1. Exercise Regularly

Why? Because your body releases endorphins ie the happy hormones when you work out, and true to their name, these endorphins help instantly lift your mood and make you feel better. They also keep your cortisol levels (a hormone known to increase stress) at bay.


  1. Other Tips


Increase vitamins and minerals in your diet. Vitamins like Zinc, B6, magnesium and vitamin D help your body maintain healthy hormone levels.

Have a regular sleep cycle. This will help restore your hormonal cycles by allowing your body to function normally, so much so that you don’t have to completely be dependent on foods that balance hormones in females.



Call us if you need a personalized healthcare plan.  No one is like any other person, we are all unique, and have our own DNA.  Females should not eat the same foods, or some types of food as men.


Health and Wellness Associates




Patricia Carrothers


Dir. Personalized Healthcare and Preventative Medicine




Health and Disease, Uncategorized

How to Prevent an Inguinal Hernia


How to Prevent Inguinal Hernia

With knowledge about inguinal hernia anatomy, you can understand what you can do to prevent it from happening in the first place. What you should understand is that you cannot do much about the congenital defect that increases your risk for developing inguinal hernia. Here are some steps you can take to keep things under control.

You should be active and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the exercise you can or cannot do in your condition.

You should work with a healthcare provider to help you make a diet plan. There is no set plan for any one person. Depending on location, and sleep patterns, and medication, each person needs a personalized healthcare plan. As always though, be sure to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains that contain dietary fiber.

It is important to prevent straining and constipation to avoid making your hernias worse. Properly taking the correct supplements is important.

Avoid heavy lifting as much as possible. If you really need to do some lifting, bend from your knees. Never bend from your waist or you will end up making things worse.

You need to avoid smoking because it will cause a chronic cough that can aggravate an inguinal hernia.

You need to bear in mind that when you have inguinal hernias, you cannot correct this situation with a supportive garment designed to keep hernias in place. You should wear it though if your doctor has asked you to wear it for a short time before your surgery.

Health and Wellness Associates


Patricia Carrothers

Dir. Personalized Healthcare and Preventative Medicine
