Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized




High Cholesterol

“Anything to do with cholesterol has everything to do with the liver. Any kind of cholesterol problem developing is a sign of an early liver condition developing. The liver produces, controls, organizes, and stores cholesterol. So when the liver gets sluggish, stagnant, and toxic over the years—which will go undetected at the doctor’s office— and its functions start to break down, cholesterol readings can start to change. This may happen long before tests show elevated liver enzymes, so no one will realize this has anything to do with the liver.

Have you ever wondered how someone who eats the poorest diet can get back perfectly fine cholesterol readings? That’s a person whose liver is not maxed out yet. Then you could have someone with a seemingly healthy diet who’s diagnosed with a cholesterol condition because readings are heading in a direction the physician doesn’t like. That’s a person whose liver is starting to flag from being overloaded for too long. Everyone’s liver has a different state of being. Some are filled with pathogens such as the Epstein-Barr virus and strep. Some are filled with both pathogens and toxins such as toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and other petroleum products. When the liver’s storage is at capacity, that’s when its ability to process, convert, create, store, and develop cholesterol starts to diminish.

Far more powerful than any statin can ever be, celery juice goes to the root cause of cholesterol conditions: it heads to the liver. There, it helps flush, clean, and purify poisons, toxins, and pathogens. It restores and revives damaged liver lobules while its sodium cluster salts reduce viral and bacterial loads. These cluster salts also revitalize the liver’s multiple functions related to cholesterol and improve the strength of the bile that the liver produces—and stronger bile helps break down fats.”

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How To Make Celery Juice


Plain, fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful healing juices available to us. This clean, green drink is the very best way to start your day. Make this juice a part of your daily routine, and soon you won’t want to go a day without it!

1 bunch of celery

Rinse the celery and run it through a juicer. Drink immediately for best results.

Alternatively, you can chop the celery and blend it in a high-speed blender until smooth. Don’t add water or ice for the greatest healing benefits, use only celery. Strain the blended celery well through a fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth or nut milk bag and drink immediately.


If you want to heal and improve your health quickly and efficiently, follow this routine:

* Every morning, drink 16 ounces or more of celery juice on an empty stomach. Make sure it’s fresh, plain celery juice with no other ingredients. Celery juice is a medicinal, not a caloric drink, so you’ll still need breakfast afterward to power you through the morning. Simply wait at least 15 to 30 minutes after drinking your celery juice before consuming anything else.

* If you’re sensitive and 16 ounces is too much, start with a smaller amount and work your way up. You can also drink more than 16 ounces. Many people love to drink 32 ounces daily.

* Use organic celery whenever possible. If you’re using conventional celery, be sure to wash it especially well before juicing.

* If you find the taste of straight celery juice too strong, you can juice one cucumber and/or one apple with the celery. This is a great option as you get adjusted to the flavor. As you get used to it, keep increasing the ratio of celery until your juice is only celery; the greatest benefits come when celery juice is consumed on its own.

I hope you will bring celery juice into your life soon—doing so will deeply support you in healing.


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-People Start to Heal The Moment They Are Heard-

Health and Wellness Associates

EHS Telehealth









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