Health and Disease, Uncategorized




Covid 19 is a genetically man made virus.  This is like no other epidemic or pandemic that we have had to deal with.  You can not compare this to the spanish flu, or the Irish flu, or the Ziti virus.


Thankfullly, do to the mass number of autopsy’s done we have learned much about it.  This virus attaches itself to 4 main components.

  1.  Your clothes or cloth items.
  2. Hair
  3. Plastic
  4. Metal


  1.   Lets start with cloth items.   If you have gone outside you home, immediately upon coming home, take them off, and put them in a bag to wash.  Yes, many people have a changing routine in their garages.  This way you are not bringing that virus into your home.  Then take an immediate shower with soap .  Nice foaming soap.   Your clothes need to be washed in HOT water settings.  So wear clothes that can handle that.  Leave your shoes outside!


2.    If you have gone to the store, or anywhere with other people, then it is a good chance you have the virus on your hair.   So, you came home and you took a shower.  GREAT!  But that is not all you have to do.    You can not sleep on the same sheets and pillow cases you did the night before.  You must change them daily, and put the used ones in a black garbage bag and tie it at the top until you get them in the wash.  Please set your washer to HOT water.   Dont forget a new towel daily, and get the old one out of the bathroom.

Also, it is not advisable to sleep in the same room with another person.  I dont care how clean you think you two are, it is not safe.

Never sleep in a room with a child in it.

Lets talk about all that hair on your face.    It you have a beard or mustache, then that virus is attached.   If you wish to keep that beard and mustache, you will need to wash it every two hours with foaming soap.    This is a respiratory virus, and that virus is attached to your mustache and beard right under your nose and your mouth.

Ladies:  You too have hair on your face, I dont care if you are 20 or 70 years old.  Take a clean razor and shave your face.  Shaving dry is fine.   Did you know, that the good make-up artist shaves a womans face before apply foundation.


3,  Plastic – The biggest culprit are your credit and debit cards.  You hand them to a clerk, or that fast food cashier, and now they are infected.  If the clerk is wearing gloves, it is to protect them, not you.    Plastic pens.  TV remotes.   Plastic cups from fast food places or gas stations.  Glasses on your face need to be cleaned often.   Dont drink out of plastic water bottles, pour the water into a glass.   Are you getting the idea?   Watch what you touch that is plastic- like keyboards.


4.  Metal – You may have heard of handrails and doorknobs need to be cleaned often.   Often is every 2 – 3 hours.     It takes about two hours for this virus to “attach”.    It is very important to clean and disinfect your house as often as you can.   If you can spray the surface and let it air dry that is the best.   Rubbing it with a cloth is just spreading the virus from one surface to another.


What do you use to disinfect?

There are only two things that work to kill this virus.

Ultra-violet light and bleach.    No, Lysol will not work.  It kills bacteria, and this is not a bacteria.  While we are on this subject, do not use those anti-bacterial gels.   This is not a bacterial infection, or a virus cause by an anerobic germ.   Anti-bacterial chemicals will get into your liver and never come out.  Yes, they will eventually kill your liver.

You can make your own bleach solution.  1 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water.

If you live in a warm climate, hang those clothes outside, and get in the sun yourself.   Any amount of sun will make your immune system stronger in all of this.

To enhance your system take 550 units of D3 and 500 units of magnesium.   DO NOT TAKE if you have any gastrointestional problems.   Even if you are prone to diarrhea, do not take.

Enough for one day!

We are in this Together!


-People Start to Heal The Moment They Are Heard-

Health and Wellness Associates

EHS Telehealth

