Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Cold and Flu Season


Cold and Flu Season


With the cold and flu season in full swing, fortification with vitamin C is one of the most effective and potent methods for dodging illness. And yet, this well-known nutrient is often overlooked as an outstanding anti-aging, cancer-destroying, disease-busting and mood-boosting addition to the diet. To encourage health throughout the winter and beyond, consuming foods which naturally supply high levels of vitamin C is a smart move.


Likewise, have a look at the following list from the Global Healing Center which offers further examples of vitamin C-rich foods:


◾Acerola cherry



◾Black currant


◾Brussels sprouts





◾Red and yellow bell peppers

◾Herbs (cilantro, chives, thyme, basil and parsley)

◾Leafy greens (especially kale, mustard greens, watercress, chard and spinach)


For highest nutritional benefit, always consume organically grown produce and only cook lightly to retain delicate nutrients. Better yet, enjoy fruits and vegetables raw. For herbal teas, try a cold-infusion.


If you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to help.  You can also write in a question, or message in a question, and we will address it with a posting.

Health and Wellness Associates



Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Cold and Respiratory Remedy Still Works



Cold and respiratory remedy.

Cold season is upon us, and you might want to try this. You know I do not recommend the flu shot, but this is better in building up your immune system.

Easy and Safe Ingredients

This remedy only requires 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of organic, raw apple cider vinegar. Yes, that’s completely it!


You don’t need fancy equipment for this awesome remedy. All I have to do is combine the three ingredients and heat them in the microwave for around 10 seconds. After stirring, it’s bottom’s up! I make sure to dilute it with water when I drink it regularly though, to avoid allowing the acidic content of the drink to break down my teeth’s enamel.

Effective Ingredients

Lemon juice is just positively brimming with vitamin C and we all know that that’s a must for getting rid of the common cold. Honey is also especially great for fighting infection and treating problems with your digestion. Best of all has got to be the raw apple cider vinegar though. It’s used in practically all of the natural remedies you can think of because it’s the miracle ingredient that can heal you (plus, I use it as shampoo and it keeps my hair looking and feeling great). I use all of these ingredients separately for many different reasons, so it just makes sense that combining them makes for the 1-2 killer punch to knock out those dang infections!

This home remedy for sore throat, pack with extraordinary ingredients such as fresh lemon juice, organic honey and organic, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar, will also knock out any cold or upper respiratory infection.

You may have to go to a Natural Health Food Store, or department, to get raw apple cider vinegar. You can also go to…

Let us not forget those preventative measures of supplements.  If you are not on a supplement routine, or need to go over your supplement plan please call us.

Please share with family and loved ones.

Health and Wellness Associates

Archived: 2014

P Carrothers


Foods, Health and Disease

Keep Away Colds


White button mushrooms keep away colds
If you dread cold and flu season, reach for white
Button mushroom. The Journal of Nutrition reports
That these supermarket staples have the power to rev
Your immune system by generating more virus
Destroying T-cells in your bloodstream.

Also: Eating cabbage coleslaw, lowers your risk
Of catching a cold weather bug. That is because
Cabbage is rich in glutamine, an amino acid that
alerts the immune system faster to invading viruses.

Health and Wellness Associates

P. Carrothers

Archived Article


Lemon Balm


Lemons are a powerful healing fruit that contain phenomenal antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-cancer properties. Lemons are rich in vitamins C and B-complex and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, copper, and potassium. They are considered to be a wonderful tonic and can help to cleanse and detoxify the entire body. Although lemons have an acidic taste they actually have a very strong alkaline reaction on the body and can help to alkalize blood, cells, lymph, organs, and tissues. Lemons are known to help destroy putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and intestines which can help alleviate flatulence, indigestion, and constipation. Lemons contain a compound called limonene which is used to dissolve gallstones and kidney stones and can help to fight oral, lung, skin, breast, stomach, and colon cancer. Lemons are also rich in bioflavonoids which can significantly boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Lemon juice is known to be particularly beneficial for colds, coughs, sore throats, hiccups, ear infections, fevers, arthritis, heart disease, COPD, atherosclerosis, diabetes, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorders, stroke, and cancer. Topically, lemon juice is a great remedy for wrinkles, warts, toothaches, corns, sunburns, poison ivy, acne, psoriasis, and as a hair rinse and facial astringent. A tall glass of lemon water upon waking is an excellent way to hydrate and cleanse the body first thing in the morning. Fresh lemon in tea and green juice and added to salads, wraps, hummus, guacamole, and nori rolls is another great way to add this healing and nutritious fruit into your diet. Fresh lemons can be found at your local grocery and health food store.