Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

What Are the Most Dangerous Food Groups?

What Are the Most Dangerous Food Groups?

News Picture: What Are the Most Dangerous Food Groups?

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds — we hear a lot about the “best” food groups for health. But what about the worst ones? What foods should you be eliminating or at least cutting back on?

Research published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at dietary intake and 318,000 deaths from diabetes, stroke and heart disease. In addition to not eating enough omega-3 rich seafood, nuts and seeds, two problematic factors stood out.

These deaths were associated with eating too much salt and too many processed meats. The two go hand-in-hand in sausages, hot dogs, corned beef, beef jerky, canned meat, meat sauces, lunch meats and bacon. Eating too much salty food was associated with nearly 10% of those deaths. Processed meats are a key source of salt, but so are snacks, prepared foods and even packaged vegetables, especially those canned in salt.

A separate study of 400,000 deaths related to heart and blood vessel diseases presented at an American Heart Association scientific meeting came to similar conclusions — finding 9% of these deaths were due to too much salt. The very unhealthy trans fats were also on the dangerous foods list.

Fortunately, these are being phased out of packaged foods.

But again, what you’re not eating makes a difference, too. These researchers also found that not getting enough whole grains, vegetables, and nuts and seeds was detrimental, with each missing food group being linked to between 10% and 11% of the deaths.

When planning your best diet, remember that eating healthy is a balancing act — you want to increase good foods and cut back on the bad ones to make sure that the scales tip in your favor.


Remember, we are in this together!

-People Start to Heal The Moment They Are Heard-
Health and Wellness Associates
EHS Telehealth


Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Grass Fed Beef vs. Poultry


Grass-Fed Beef is Superior to Poultry


For over 50 years red meat has been vilified for its heart clogging saturated fat & cholesterol content.  In Poultry products, have been marketed as the healthiest animal protein due to their low-fat content.  New understandings of health and inflammation now reveal that grass-fed beef is significantly more nutrient dense than poultry.

Saturated fat and cholesterol have been blamed for heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.  Research indicates that saturated fats and cholesterol are necessary for overall cellular health.  They play an extremely important role in regulating neurological, cognitive and hormone function.  A diet low in these important fats causes lowered immunity, sex hormone function and accelerated aging and brain degeneration.


Red Meat can be a SuperFood:


Red meat could be one of the best foods in an individual’s diet or one of the worst.  The key factor is what the animal is eating.  Naturally, cows eat a near 100% green diet of grass, flowers, shrubs and other wild vegetation.  Grain feeding is genetically incongruent for these animals and leads to excessive weight gain and fat accumulation.

The typical grain-feed is made up of corn and soy due to the low cost associated with government subsidies.  Grain-fed cows are extremely high in omega 6 fatty acids. The average ratio for a cow on a grain-fed diet is roughly 25:1 (omega 6:3). This is genetically incongruent for all mammal species that should naturally be around 4:1


The Importance of Omega 6:3 Ratios:


Humans should naturally have an omega 6:3 ratio around 4:1 or 2:1. When these ratios become skewed, they trigger cellular inflammation and accelerated cellular degeneration. This environment causes an individual to become highly inflamed and to build degenerative disease.

The more grass an animal eats the greater their omega 3 content and the lower their omega 6 levels.  A 100% green-fed diet, which is genetically congruent for a cow would provide an omega 6:3 ratio of 2:1.  This is ideal for the cows long-term health and is highly anti-inflammatory for human consumption.  The omega 3 fatty acids present in this meat are primarily the all-important long-chain variety EPA and DHA.


The Poultry Based Diet:


Chicken and turkeys cannot live on grass alone.  They lack the highly-specialized digestive tract that allows them to convert grass and roughage into a quality meal.  This is too low in calories and too high in fiber for them.  They need some addition to grass and the vast majority of farmers choose to feed them a mixture of soy and grain.  Chickens can get about 25% of their calories from grass while ducks can go up to about 50%.  The higher the level of grass, the higher the anti-oxidant and omega 3 content of the meat and eggs.

Grass-fed mammals contain high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).  CLA is considered to be one of the most potent anti-carcinogenic nutrients.   In a study published in Cancer Research, animals given a mere 1.5% of their total calories in the form of CLA had a 60% reduction in tumor growth.   Finnish researchers have found that the greater the amount of CLA in a woman’s diet, the lower her risk of breast cancer.  Women who consumed the largest amount of CLA had a 60% lower risk for breast cancer.


Grass-fed Beef Has Much More Anti-Oxidants than Poultry:


Grass-fed mammals are also extremely rich in carnitine and carnosine.  Carnitine helps cellular mitochondria drive energy efficiently from fat metabolism.  Carnitine is the critical gate-keeper that allows fatty acids to pass into the mitochondrial furnace effectively.  Carnosine is a powerful antioxidant that improves muscle, brain & cardiovascular function.  It functions to reduce the effects of stress and aging by protecting the proteins of the body which aids in tissue healing and repair.

Poultry has significantly less CLA, carnitine and carnosine than grass-fed beef.  Beef also contains a lot more branched chain amino acids.  This includes the crucial muscle building amino acid leucine.  Grass-fed beef has an enormous edge over free-range poultry when one compares the fatty acids, proteins, fat-soluble anti-oxidants and minerals such as zinc.


Call us and set up an appointment for you Personalized Health Care Plan.  No two bodies are the same!

Health and Wellness Associates



Foods, Uncategorized

Ways to Include Mushrooms in Your Diet


Ways to Include Mushrooms in Your Cholesterol-Lowering Diet


Mushrooms are a type of fungus commonly found on the ground and sometimes on trees. This delicious food is chock-full of nutrients, including fiber, vitamin D, minerals, and protein. Since mushrooms are also low in carbohydrates and fat free, this makes them a good food to include in your diet if you are watching your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Most edible mushrooms do not have a particularly strong taste, so they can be included in practically any dish you create.


However, because some mushrooms contain poisons that could harm you, it is always a good idea to be sure that the mushroom you are eating is edible before you put it on your plate. Edible mushrooms – which are commonly available in your local grocery store – are very versatile, and this list will give you some good ideas on how to include mushrooms in your heart heathy diet.


Including Mushrooms in Soup

If you’re looking to add a little more fiber and protein to your soup – without the added fat – mushrooms are a good ingredient to have on hand. You can either cook mushrooms to use the broth in the soup, or throw in some mushrooms and cook them with your other soup ingredients. As with any food, you should be careful what you pair with your mushrooms and other healthy ingredients, as this could add fat and calories to your soup. If you wish to add cheeses sour cream to your soup, use a low-fat version instead to decrease the amount of saturated fat added.


Low-fat plain Greek yogurt can also be a healthier alternative to sour cream. Speaking of cream – creaming your soups can also add saturated fat to your meal. Therefore, instead of selecting creamed mushroom soup, select soups that have a clear broth (preferably vegetable, mushroom, or low-fat chicken) and are chock-full of vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, or lean meats.



Using Mushrooms in Your Sides

Mushrooms can be cooked, cut up, and added to many side dishes. You can either add it into your favorite vegetable or rice side dish or substitute it for meat in some of your heartier sides. When preparing your mushrooms, make sure that you are cooking them sparingly in an oil, such as vegetable or olive oil. Although it may be tempting to sautee them in butter or margarine, doing so could introduce extra fat into your meal.


Mushroom-Filled Entrees

Mushrooms can be used in the main course – whether you decide to add mushrooms as part of the dish or make it the main attraction. There are many heart-healthy ways to prepare your mushrooms, including sautéing, roasting, and braising. You can also throw mushrooms on the grill along with your other lean meats and fish. When preparing your mushrooms for the main course, you should make sure that you are minimizing the amount of salt used – especially if you are watching your salt intake. If you are wanting to cut out extra fat from meat-containing entrée, you can substitute the meat you are using for a larger mushroom – such as Portobello – dice them and combine them with beans to form a meatless patty.


Health and Wellness Associates




Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Uncategorized

Low Carb Quick Chocolate Almond Ice Cream


Low Carb Quick Chocolate Almond Ice Cream




2 tablespoons sliced almonds

1 cup heavy cream

1/2 cup sugar substitute (recommended: Splenda)

1 teaspoon no sugar added vanilla extract

1/8 teaspoon no sugar added almond extract

1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder

2 tablespoons whole milk ricotta cheese




Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.


Spread almonds out on a sheet pan and bake for about 5 to 7 minutes until just golden brown. (Watch them carefully as they can burn easily.) Remove and cool.


With an electric mixer on high, whip the heavy cream in a bowl just until frothy and add in the sugar substitute, extracts, cocoa powder, and ricotta cheese. Continue to whip on high until peaks form. Be careful not to over-whip, or cream will break.


Fold in toasted almonds. Using a 3-ounce ice cream scoop, place 1 scoop each in a champagne glass and freeze as “faux” ice cream or serve refrigerated as a parfait. If desired, garnish with low carb whipped cream, toasted almonds, a strawberry fan, cocoa powder, and a sprig of fresh mint.


Health and Wellness Associates



Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Making a Commitment to Live Healthier



Making a commitment to live healthier is an ongoing process. It’s virtually impossible to make all the needed changes in one fell swoop. To assist you with this process, I’ve created a plan you can implement little by little, one step at a time.


Perhaps you made a New Year’s resolution to live healthier. The following list consisting of nine general categories will give you an indication of how far you’ve actually come.


If you’re still missing a few pieces, make the commitment to address one item at a time going forward. I’ve created a helpful Health Check Tip Sheet you can print out and post in a conspicuous location to keep you motivated.


#1 Replace Soda With Water, Tea and Black Organic Coffee


Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver damage, osteoporosis and acid reflux are just some of the health conditions linked to soda consumption.


Making the commitment to swap your soda for healthier beverages like water, sparkling water and the occasional cup of tea and/or organic black coffee can go a long way toward improving your health.


Remember, the only beverage your body really needs is clean, pure water. In fact, many common health complaints are simply due to dehydration, including tiredness, headache, irritability, confusion, constipation, dry skin and more.


Unfortunately, most water supplies are heavily polluted these days, even in the United States, so a high-quality water filtration system is a wise investment. Most water supplies contain a number of potentially hazardous contaminants, including fluoride, drugs and disinfection byproducts (DBPs), just to name a few.


How much water do you need each day for optimal health? While many still recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day, individual water needs vary so widely, your best bet is to:


Use your thirst as a guide. Once your body has lost 1 to 2 percent of its water content, you will feel thirsty. This is a sign that you need to replenish the lost liquids

Look at the color of your urine. Drink enough water to turn your urine a light-colored yellow (keep in mind certain vitamin supplements can affect the color of your urine)

Monitor the frequency of urination. If your urine is scant or if you haven’t urinated in several hours, that too is an indication you need to drink more

Besides water, tea and coffee also have their place if you enjoy them. According to the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans, you can safely consume up to five cups of coffee a day without detrimental effects.1 This is not true if you are on some medications that coffee interferes with including all cardiac and blood pressure medications, thyroid and endocrine medications, blood thinning medications, hormone replacements, cataracts and glaucoma, fibromyalgia, just to name a few.


All tests done are with people in their thirties, healthy, not on any medication!


Recent research even suggests drinking up to six cups of coffee a day may actually be beneficial for your heart and cardiovascular health, and is inversely associated with premature death.2,3,4,5,6


Tea and Coffee Caveats


Both coffee and tea contain caffeine (provided it’s not decaffeinated), which has been linked to adverse health effects such as elevated blood pressure, gastric upset and anxiety. However, both coffee and tea contain other health-promoting ingredients that appear to outweigh the drawbacks of caffeine.


Among them are beneficial antioxidants, and according to researchers, coffee, (because of the volume consumed, not because of its high amount) is the primary source of antioxidants in the American diet.7 As with water, quality and purity is not a given though. You need to use discernment with these beverages.


Most coffee is heavily contaminated with pesticides, so when we speak about the benefits of coffee, let it be understood that we’re talking about coffee that is:


Organic (ideally fair trade), to avoid pesticides

Freshly ground. Once ground, coffee quickly goes stale and rancid, so for optimal freshness grind your own coffee beans

Dark roast, such as French Roast, espresso or Turkish coffee tends to have the highest amounts of beneficial antioxidants. Dark roast coffee also produces more of a chemical that helps prevent the production of excess stomach acid, so it may be easier on your stomach8

Served black, meaning without milk or sugar. Adding dairy may interfere with your body’s absorption of beneficial chlorogenic acids, while the added sugar will contribute to insulin resistance, which is at the heart of most chronic disease

Brewed with non-bleached filters to avoid chlorine and DBPs such as dioxin

As for tea, both black and green teas tend to be naturally high in fluoride, even if organically grown without pesticides. This is because the plant readily absorbs fluoride thorough its root system, including naturally occurring fluoride in the soil.


So, as with coffee, when selecting tea, opt for organic (to avoid pesticides), grown in a pristine environment (to avoid fluoride, heavy metals, and other toxins from contaminated soil and water).


#2 Eat 2 Meals a Day Within an 8-Hour Window



Your body probably only needs two meals a day, and eating this way has a number of health benefits, including weight loss, disease prevention, resolving insulin resistance, optimizing your mitochondrial function and preventing cellular damage from occurring.


As long as you restrict your eating to a six- to eight-hour window each day, and avoid eating for at least three hours before bed, you can choose between having breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner, but avoid having both breakfast and dinner.


Which two meals you prefer are up to you; let your body, and your lifestyle, be your guide. There are also a number of other intermittent fasting plans to choose from, should this daily eating schedule not appeal to you.


EFT Can Increase Your Intermittent Fasting Success



Compliance is a critical factor for any intermittent fasting plan, and stress about fasting can sabotage your success. The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can be a helpful ally here, allowing you to tap away your anxiety about fasting. It’s one of the most powerful tools for reducing stress and anxiety I know of.


In 2012, a triple blind study9 found that EFT reduced cortisol levels and symptoms of psychological distress by 24 percent — more than any other intervention tested. Do you worry you’ll be hungry all the time? Are you afraid you’ll feel deprived or suffer unbearable cravings? Are you worried it won’t work for you?


The first few weeks of fasting are typically the most challenging, while your body is making the necessary biochemical adjustments to its metabolic engine. Tapping can be extraordinarily beneficial for eliminating anxiety and cravings during this time. EFT is easy to learn and once you do, it’s always at your fingertips — whenever and wherever you need it.


#3 Clean Up Your Diet


As for what to eat when you do eat, the most basic of recommendations is to simply eat REAL FOOD. With that foundation in mind, I also recommend you:


Replace net carbs with healthy fats


Replace net carbs (total carbohydrates minus fiber; think sugars and grains) with high-quality healthy fats. Fats are a “cleaner” type of fuel for your body compared to carbs, and most would benefit getting anywhere from 50 to 85 percent of daily calories from healthy fats, such as that from avocados, butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, raw dairy, organic pastured eggs, coconuts, coconut oil, organic nut oils, raw nuts (especially macadamias and pecans), seeds, and grass-fed meats.


Dietary fats can be generally classified as saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (PUFA). A “saturated” fat means that all carbon atoms have their bonds filled with hydrogen atoms and as a result they are far less likely to oxidize and go rancid. Fats in foods contain a mixture of fats, but in foods of animal origin a large proportion are saturated.


Research shows avoiding saturated fat does NOT help prevent heart disease or improve longevity. In fact, saturated fats have protective effects. The benefits of saturated fat are many, and some appear to be uniquely traceable to saturated fat. For example, you need saturated fats for brain and immune system health.


Another argument is that animal foods in general, including meat cheese, butter, dairy, and eggs, contain high amounts of vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, and you have to have the fat that comes naturally in animal foods along with the vitamins in order to absorb those vitamins.


The fats you need to avoid to protect your heart health are trans fats and processed vegetables oils, which are high in damaged omega-6 fats and PUFAs.

Eat more fiber


You can have virtually unlimited amounts of high-fiber vegetables, which are low in net carbs, Several studies have shown a 10 percent drop in risk for any cause of death with each 10-gram-per-day increase in fiber intake.


Soluble fiber helps nourish beneficial bacteria that assist with digestion and absorption of your food, and play a significant role in your immune function. Studies have also linked a high-fiber diet to beneficial reductions in cholesterol and blood pressure, improved insulin sensitivity, and reduced inflammation — all of which can influence your mortality risk.

Vegetable juicing


Vegetable juicing is an easy way to boost your vegetable intake, providing your body with important nutrients in an easily digestible form. The bulk of your juice should come from organic, green veggies – spinach, celery, kale, Swiss chard, etc. — not fruits, which are too high in fructose.



Grow (and eat) sprouts


Sprouts allow you to get the most benefit out of a plant in its most biologically concentrated form. When you sprout foods, you increase proteolytic enzymes that make both carbohydrates and proteins digestible. Sprouts are not only an excellent source of fiber, they also offer some of the highest levels of nutrition available, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage, plus various plant chemicals unique to any given sprout.


Sunflower seed and pea shoots are both typically about 30 times more nutritious than organic vegetables, and are among the highest in protein. Sprouts are one of the easiest foods to grow at home, even in small spaces, allowing you to improve your diet at a low cost. You can find sprout starter kits and different kinds of sprouting seeds in my online shop.



Optimize your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio


It’s important to understand the difference between plant- and animal-based omega-3 fats. Many believe plant-based omega-3 is preferable to animal-based omega-3, but they’re not really interchangeable. Ideally, you want both, but animal-based omega-3 is particularly important for optimal health and many are deficient in it.


Part of the problem is not eating enough omega-3 rich foods, like wild-caught Alaskan salmon and small fatty fish like sardines. The other side of the equation is eating far too many processed vegetable oils like corn, soy, and canola, which are high in damaged omega-6 oils. Ideally, you want an omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of about 1:1. To achieve that, you likely need to increase your animal-based omega-3 and decrease your omega-6.


Barring high consumption of fatty fish, your next best option is to take a high-quality omega-3 supplement. I prefer krill oil, as it’s both superior in its activity to fish oil, and more environmentally sustainable.



Moderate your protein consumption and choose quality over quantity


Eating too much protein may be more hazardous to your health, than eating too much sugar. I recommend eating a moderate amount of high-quality protein (think grass-fed meats and eggs, for example), based on a formula of one-half gram of protein per pound of lean body mass (or 1 gram per kilo of lean body mass).

Eat fermented vegetables


In the U.S., the preparation of fermented foods is a largely lost art. I’m trying to change that, as fermented vegetables are such an inexpensive and effective way to optimize your gut microbiome and improve both your physical and mental health. When your GI tract is not properly balanced, a wide range of health problems can appear, including allergies and autoimmune diseases.


In fact, over the past several years, research has revealed that microbes of all kinds — bacteria, fungi, and even viruses — play instrumental roles in the functioning of your body, influencing everything from vitamin production and detoxification, to your affecting your weight and mood.


Fermented foods are packed with beneficial microorganisms that most people do not get elsewhere. Just one-quarter to one-half cup of fermented vegetables, eaten with one to three meals per day, can have a dramatically beneficial impact on your health.


To learn how to make your own, please review the video below and read through my previous article, “Tips for Fermenting at Home.” Aside from your choice of vegetables, all you need are some wide-mouth glass jars with lids. There are other accessories that can be helpful, such as pounders, weights and carbon filter jar lids that help reduce odors, but they’re not essential.


One addition you may want to consider though is a starter culture. Besides speeding up the fermentation process, some can provide additional benefits. I like using a starter culture specifically designed to optimize vitamin K2. My research team found we could get 400 to 500 micrograms of vitamin K2 in a 2-ounce serving of fermented vegetables using such a starter culture, which is a clinically therapeutic dose for K2.

As always K2 can not be taken alone.



Clean up your condiments


Commercially prepared condiments are typically a mixture of low-quality, genetically engineered ingredients, chemical preservatives, fillers and taste and texture enhancers that have potential health risks. Fortunately, making your own isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. Recipes for homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, salad dressing, ketchup and barbeque sauce can be found in my article, “What’s in Your Condiments?”

#4 Get 8 Hours of Restful Sleep Each Night


Research shows most adults really need about eight hours of sleep every night for optimal health. What makes sleep deprivation so detrimental is that it doesn’t just impact one aspect of your health; it impacts many. It has the same effect on your immune system as physical stress or illness, which may help explain why lack of sleep is tied to an increased risk of numerous chronic diseases.


For example, sleeping less than six hours per night more than triples your risk of high blood pressure, and women who get less than four hours of shut-eye per night double their chances of dying from heart disease.10 Sleep is also intricately tied to important hormone levels, including melatonin, production of which is disturbed by lack of sleep. This is extremely problematic, as melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction).


Lack of sleep also decreases levels of your fat-regulating hormone leptin, while increasing the hunger hormone ghrelin. The resulting increase in appetite can easily lead to overeating and weight gain. Poor or insufficient sleep is also the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50.11


Small adjustments to your daily routine and sleeping area can go a long way to ensure uninterrupted, restful sleep. If you’re not sure how much sleep you’re getting, a fitness tracker can be beneficial for helping you keep track of the actual time you’re asleep (as opposed to the time spent in bed). If you need more sleep, I suggest you read through my full set of 33 healthy sleep guidelines for details on proper sleep hygiene. You can also find useful tips in my “Top 5 Natural Sleep Aids” article.


Key recommendations for improving the amount and quality of your sleep include getting plenty of natural sunlight exposure in the early morning and mid-day, and avoiding blue light exposure in the evening. This includes avoiding electronic screens, which emit blue light unless you’ve installed light-altering software like f.lux. Another alternative is to use amber-colored glasses that block blue light, which can be purchased for about $10 on Amazon.


This is an ideal solution if you don’t want to change out your light bulbs and skip watching television before going to bed. Also make sure your sleeping quarter is dark to prevent melatonin suppression, which will make it difficult to fall asleep. I recommend installing thick drapes for this reason, but a far cheaper alternative is to use a sleep mask. An eye mask filled with lavender can be particularly soothing.



#5 Mind Your Oral Health



Poor oral health can contribute to systemic inflammation, raising your risk for bad breath, dementia, pneumonia, erectile dysfunction, kidney disease and head and neck cancers. So make it a habit to brush twice a day and floss daily. Oil pulling with coconut oil is another strategy that can help improve both your oral and general health by deep-cleaning your mouth and drawing out toxins. It also helps promote microbiome homeostasis, which is important for oral health.


Personally, this technique has significantly reduced my plaque buildup, allowing me to go longer between visits to the dental hygienist. How is it done? Simply rinse your mouth with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, much like you would using a mouthwash. Work the oil around your mouth by pushing, pulling, and drawing it through your teeth for about 15 minutes.


When done, spit out the oil (do NOT swallow it) and rinse your mouth with water. I typically spit mine out on the soil outside of my house, being careful to avoid any plants, to avoid clogging up my sink. If you want, you could dissolve a pinch of Himalayan salt in the water and rinse with that. Himalayan salt contains more than 85 different minerals that can also help promote strong, healthy teeth and gums.


#6 Sit Less, Walk More and Work on Your Flexibility



The average American adult spends nine to 10 hours each day sitting, which is so much inactivity that even a 30- or 60-minute workout cannot counteract its adverse effects on your health. While it might seem natural to sit this long since you’ve probably grown used to it (physically and mentally), it’s actually quite contrary to nature.


Studies looking at life in agriculture environments show that people in agrarian villages sit for about three hours a day. Your body is designed to move around and be active the majority of the day, and significant negative changes occur when you spend the majority of the day sedentary instead. To get more movement into your daily life, consider implementing the following:


  • Set a goal to walk about 7,000 to 10,000 steps a day (which is just over three to five U.S. miles, or six to nine kilometers). This should be over and above any exercise regimen you may have. Daily walking has been shown to provide anti-aging benefits that could add an additional three to seven years to your life.


  • Walk barefoot more often. Your body is finely tuned to “work” with the Earth in the sense that there’s a constant flow of energy between your body and the Earth. When you put your feet on the ground, you absorb large amounts of negative electrons through the soles of your feet.


The effect is sufficient to maintain your body at the same negatively charged electrical potential as the Earth. This simple process of grounding is one of the most potent antioxidants we know of. Grounding has been shown to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, enhance well being and much more


  • Stand up at work if you can, rather than sitting at your desk. A stand-up desk is certainly a worthwhile investment if you have an office job.


  • Work on your flexibility. Also make it a point to gain flexibility, which will help keep you functional well into old age. Pilates, yoga, and whole body vibration training are just some of your options.


#7 Get Your Vitamin D Level Tested


I recommend testing your vitamin D twice a year: around January, when your level will be at its lowest, and June or July, when it’ll be at its peak. This will help guide you as to how much vitamin D you may need to take in order to maintain a clinically relevant level of 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter year-round. Testing your vitamin D is easy. You don’t even need a doctor’s prescription.


Vitamin D cannot be taken alone.  You can set up an appointment with us to determine the correct amount for you, and what you need to take with it.


#8 Make Stress Reduction a Daily Priority


Stress-related problems, including back pain, insomnia, acid reflux and exacerbations to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may account for up to 70 percent of the average American physician’s caseload.12 Such health-care expenditures are the third highest in the U.S. after heart disease and cancer. Research suggests these costs could be drastically cut simply by learning how to relax.13


There are many options here, so try a few to determine which works best. Here are just a few suggestions. For more tips and tricks, check out my “23 (Scientific) Happiness Hacks” article:


  • Daily meditation or mindfulness training: both are excellent for stress relief and relaxation. One simple way to incorporate these techniques into your life is to meditate for five or 10 minutes first thing in the morning, even before you get out of bed, to take advantage of your mind being in a quiet zone.


  • Yoga: regular yoga practice has been shown to have a positive effect on both sleep and stress. It’s also been shown to alleviate mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and attention-deficit, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


  • Keep a gratitude journal: people who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, are happier, and better able to reach their goals, and studies show that those who keep a gratitude journal typically end up exercising more and have fewer health complaints. Studies have also linked gratitude to improved sleep, reduced stress, enhanced well-being, improved heart health.


  • Learn EFT: one of the most effective tools against anxiety is EFT, which helps correct the biochemical short-circuiting that occurs with chronic anxiety. You can think of EFT as a tool for “reprogramming” your circuitry, and it works on both real and imagined stressors.


  • Start a garden: gardening is an excellent “blues buster,” helping relieve acute stress and attention fatigue associated with a fast-paced life. Many gardeners start out gardening because they want to sample some homegrown food but end up sticking with gardening because of how it feeds their mind and soul.


That said, anyone who’s really serious about improving their health will eventually conclude that growing your own food is an important part of the answer. For helpful tips on making your garden a success, please review my previous articles on using wood chips and biochar to optimize your soil quality.


#9 Help Others and Be Active in Your Community


Volunteering is a simple way to help others, but it’s also a powerful way to help yourself. Beyond the good feelings you’ll get from donating your time, and the potential to develop new, meaningful relationships with people in your community, volunteering has a significant impact on your physical health, including a boost to your heart health.


In one study, people who volunteered for at least 200 hours a year were 40 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who didn’t.14 People who volunteer for altruistic reasons, i.e. to help others rather than themselves, may even live longer than those who volunteer for more self-centered reasons.15


The benefits of being active in your community are particularly pronounced among older adults, a population that tends to slow down once retirement hits. There’s a definite social aspect, as if you’re socially isolated you may experience poorer health and a shorter lifespan.


Volunteering also gives you a sense of purpose and can even lead to a so-called “helper’s high,” which may occur because doing good releases feel-good hormones like oxytocin in your body while lowering levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Giving back is about so much more than even that, though, as it will help you to connect with your community and contribute your time and/or talents to promoting the greater good.


Please share with family and friends, and call to set up an appointment to get your personalize healthcare plan.


Health and Wellness Associates

Archived   JM


Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Health and Disease, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The Crisis of Childhood Obesity


The Crisis of Childhood Obesity


According to the latest statistics,1 about 75 percent of American men and 67 percent of women are either overweight or obese. This means less than one-third of US adults are at a healthy weight.


The statistics for children are equally disturbing. Over 17 percent of American children between the ages of 2 and 19 fall into the obese category, which can set them up for a lifetime of very serious health problems.


“The Weight of the Nation: Children in Crisis” is the third episode of a four-part HBO documentary series2 about obesity in America.


This episode hones in on childhood obesity, highlighting the need to become better educated about weight, as it’s really about health, not mere appearance.


“The health consequences of childhood obesity include greater risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and other serious illnesses.


The combination of these health effects and the dramatic increase in childhood obesity rates over the past three decades causes some experts to fear this may be the first generation of American children who will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents …


For parents of obese children, responsible parenting means more than tackling health challenges head on. It also means doing the hard work of finding supportive, healthy communities that will instill long-term habits that promote healthy living.”


Obesity Is a Marker for Many Chronic Diseases That Can Cut Life Short


Obesity is closely tied to a number of chronic diseases. In the US, eight obesity-related diseases account for 75 percent of all healthcare costs.


This includes type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and dementia. About one-third of all cancers are also directly related to obesity.


When you consider that two hallmarks of obesity are insulin/leptin resistance and chronic inflammation, you can begin to recognize that excess weight is fertile ground for a wide array of other ailments — many of which can cut your life significantly short.


Obese children significantly increase their risk of suffering obesity-related illnesses and complications far earlier in life than others.


Case in point: research4 presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2015 revealed obese children as young as 8 now display signs of heart disease!


Processed Food Diet Is at the Heart of the Childhood Obesity Epidemic


The long-held conventional view that obesity is either the result of “bad genetics” or poor lifestyle choices, combined with a certain amount of laziness or lack of willpower, has now largely been debunked.


The fact that obesity rates 50 to 60 years ago were only one-third of what they are today is a potent clue that genetics are not to blame. Also, a number of other affluent nations do not have the same obesity problems as the U.S.


For example, the obesity rate among Japanese and Swedish women is 3 and 10 percent respectively,5 compared to 37 percent in the U.S. Furthermore, when people from such countries move to the US, they typically end up gaining significant amounts of weight.


This tells us there’s something in the American diet that is different from other nations, in which people do not have the same level of difficulty with their weight.


The diet connection can also be seen in the disparities between the rich and the poor. Poorer Americans have higher rates of obesity, whereas poor people in developing nations tend to be underweight from lack of food.


The hallmark of the Standard American Diet (SAD) is that it’s very high in non-fiber carb processed foods, and the evidence clearly points to sugar-laden processed foods as a primary culprit. Americans also rarely ever fast, which compounds the problem.


Junk Food Marketing Has Great Influence on Kids’ Eating Habits


Food marketing expenditures are quite telling. In 2009, a whopping $1.7 billion was spent on unhealthy food marketing to kids, compared to a mere $280 million spent on healthy food ads.


Kids aren’t even safe from predatory marketing at school.


In 2009, companies spent $149 million marketing soda and other sugary drinks in schools, and on average these drinks contained 16 or more grams of sugar per serving — an amount that meets or exceeds the maximum daily recommended sugar intake for most kids.


A large number of studies have also confirmed that sugary beverages in particular are strongly associated with obesity, and this is NOT limited to soda.


Fruit juices will in many instances contain nearly identical amounts of sugar as soda, yet many parents are still under the illusion that fruit juice is “healthy,” and fail to consider these beverages when looking for dietary culprits for their child’s weight gain.


To prevent obesity and chronic disease, the World Health Organization6 (WHO) suggests limiting your sugar consumption to a maximum of 5 percent of your daily calories, which equates to about 25 grams/6 teaspoons7 of sugar per day for most adults.


The limit for children is around 3 to 4 teaspoons a day,8 or 12 to 16 grams. So just one sugary beverage can easily put a child over the limit of what their body can safely handle without adverse health effects.


Other junk foods also feature heavily in schools. According to the featured video, “20 percent of the rise in the BMI of teens is associated with the increased availability of junk food in schools.”


The film also addresses the issue of school lunches, discussing the impact inferior school nutrition on the childhood obesity epidemic.


Children Need Greater Protection from Junk Food Marketing


As detailed in the video, in July 2011, the Interagency Working Group on Food Marketed to Children (IWG) — which was created by Congress — proposed nutrition standards for children that would lower the levels of salt, sugar, and fat in foods allowed to be marketed to kids.


The proposal was wildly unpopular with the food industry, and by March 2012, when the HBO filmed this segment, the IWG’s food marketing report was essentially “dead.” To this day, food companies are given free rein to determine for themselves which of their products they consider “healthy.”


Now a panel of experts convened by the Healthy Eating Research program is calling for increased protection for children from predatory junk food marketing. According to the Healthy Eating Research report9 published in January 2015, the industry’s current voluntary self-regulation program doesn’t go far enough to protect children.




For starters, current regulations apply only to children aged 11 and under, which leaves a significant number of adolescents aged 12 to 14 at risk. The report notes that older children are uniquely impressionable and vulnerable to food marketing, in part because of their stage of brain and cognitive development.


In addition to being susceptible to marketing overall, adolescents are especially susceptible to marketing for tempting foods that require well-developed self-regulatory abilities to resist. At the same time, older kids are exposed to stealth forms of marketing in social media that may be disguised as entertainment or even messages from peers. According to the report:


“Children ages 12 to 14 face heightened risk from the influence of unhealthy food marketing due to their greater independence, higher levels of media consumption, and recent increases in the amount of marketing to children ages 12 and older for unhealthy food and beverage products.”


Parents Are Fooled by Food Advertisements Too


Parents are also deceived by the food industry’s PR machine. Junk food ads cleverly manipulate parents into making unhealthy choices for their kids10 while believing they’re doing the right thing.


“It is a dual-pronged approach where food manufacturers are targeting kids to pester (their parents) for these products, and then manufacturers are marketing to parents to get them to think these products are healthy and not to feel guilty about buying them …”


[P]arent-directed ads emphasized health benefits and nutritional information for the products … However, a recent report … found that many of the products that are advertised to children, such as sugar-sweetened juice beverages and cereals, do not meet federal standards for healthy snacks. And … the ads that parents are seeing are for these same products.”


Perhaps one of the easiest ways to avoid falling into this trap is to realize that if there’s a commercial for it, you and your kids probably shouldn’t be eating it!


Why? Because only processed foods are heavily marketed, and if you’re concerned about your child’s health and weight, then processed foods of all kinds, no matter what the ads promise, are the enemy. Your fridge and pantry needs to be stocked with REAL food, meaning foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.


Excessive Sitting Harms Children’s Health


As noted in the featured video, many kids form sedentary habits in childhood that are then carried into adulthood. Over the last couple of decades, physical activity has declined across all age groups in the US, but children are perhaps at greatest risk from chronic inactivity.


As noted by Christina Economos, PhD, we now see toddlers and young children engaged in sedentary behavior anywhere from four to eight hours a day; glued to either television or electronic games. The likelihood of inactive children to get into sports or exercise later on is severely compromised, and with it, their health.


We now have more than 10,000 studies showing that chronic sitting is an independent risk factor for poor health and mortality — on par with smoking — so inactivity in childhood really needs to be addressed.  Fortunately some school districts are switching to standup desks.12


Unfortunately, in addition to not having stand up desks, many schools have eliminated recess and/or physical education as a cost-saving measure, which significantly adds to the problem. In my view, this trend is really unconscionable, and needs to be reversed.


But, we don’t have time to wait for the school system to change. If your child does not get copious amounts of physical activity at school, it’s really important for you to encourage your child to stay active after school and on weekends.


How to Get Your Kids Moving


First, it’s imperative to limit the amount of time your child spends watching TV, or playing computer and video games, and to replace some of these sedentary activities with physical activities.


Overweight and obese children need at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, and may benefit from closer to 60 minutes. But, even if your child is not overweight, you should encourage him or her to take part in physically engaging activities after school and on the weekends.


There are plenty to choose from, from sports and dance classes to gymnastics, bike riding, and playing tag with friends.  Allow your child to choose activities that appeal to them, and which are age appropriate. Remember that the trick to getting kids interested in exercise at a young age is to keep it fun.


Also, keep in mind that spontaneous bouts of exercise throughout the day are actually the ideal way of doing it.Your child does not need to log 30 to 60 minutes in the gym or in a specific exercise class, unless that’s really what they want to do. A game of tag here, a bike ride there …


Short bursts of activity with periods of rest in between — this is actually the way your body was designed to move! And, kids will typically fall into this behavior quite spontaneously, as long as they’re outdoors, and not cooped up in front of a TV or computer screen. Like adults, kids also need variety in their exercise routines to reap the greatest rewards, so be sure your child is getting:


Interval training

Strength training


Core-building activities

This may sound daunting, but if your child participates in a gymnastics class, sprints around the backyard after the dog often, and rides his bike after school, he’s covered. Also remember that acting as a role model by staying active yourself is one of the best ways to motivate and inspire your kids. If your child sees you embracing exercise as a positive and important part of your lifestyle, they will naturally follow suit.


Plus, it’s easy to plan active activities that involve the whole family and double up as fun ways to spend time together. Hiking, bike riding, canoeing, swimming, and sports are all great options. Think of it this way … by taking the time to get your kids interested in exercise now, you’re giving them a gift that will keep them healthy and happy for the rest of their lives.


Most Importantly, to Reverse Obesity Trend We Must Return to a Diet of Real Food


Researchers have firmly debunked the myth that all calories are identical, and that to lose weight all you need to do is expend more calories than you consume.


Research shows that what you eat can actually make a big difference in how much you eat. In a nutshell, research shows that calories gleaned from bread, refined sugars, and processed foods promote overeating, whereas calories from whole vegetables, protein, and fiber decrease hunger.


While it’s true that most kids exercise too little, it’s important to realize that your child cannot exercise his or her way out of a poor and metabolically “toxic” diet. Over the past 60 years or so, a confluence of dramatically altered foods combined with reduced physical exertion and increased exposure to toxic chemicals have created what amounts to a perfect storm.


The extensive use of refined sugar — primarily in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, which is added to virtually all processed foods — is at the heart of it all. Fortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now recommending a daily cap on added sugars, and food manufacturers may soon have to list the amount of added sugars on the nutritional facts label.13


The recommended goal is to limit added sugar to a maximum of 10 percent of daily calories. While reading labels can help, the easiest way to do this is to eat REAL food. Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and heart attacks are all diseases associated with a processed food diet.


The following short list of just three super-simple, easy-to-remember guidelines will not only improve your family’s nutrition, it will also help you avoid chemical exposures that can affect weight:


Eat REAL FOOD. Buy whole, ideally organic, foods and cook from scratch. First of all, this will automatically reduce your added sugar consumption, which is the root cause of insulin resistance and weight gain.

If you buy organic produce, you’ll also cut your exposure to pesticides and genetically engineered ingredients, and in ditching processed foods, you’ll automatically avoid artificial sweeteners and harmful processed fats. For more detailed dietary advice, please see my free Optimized Nutrition Plan.


Opt for organic grass-finished meats to avoid genetically engineered ingredients, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and other growth promoting drugs.

Opt for glass packaging and storage containers to avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals.


Please share this with your family and friends.  Give then the number to call us if they have any questions or need help.


Health and Wellness Associates

  1. Mercola




Diets and Weight Loss, Lifestyle

No Time to Exercise


No Time to Exercise?

Cant fit in the 30 minutes of exercise five times weekly needed to lower your risk of heart disease?

Squeeze in two brisk 10 minute walks weekly instead, and you will lower your odds of heart problems,

stroke and blood clots by more than 20%, which is the same as if you have worked out longer.

Short bouts of activity that get your heart pumping are enough to strengthen your heart muscle and arteries research shows.

Boost your benefits with the foods you eat.

Eating a Mediterranean type diet of fish, olives,

fresh produce, whole grains, beans and nuts cuts your

risk of heart disease by another 47%.

Not eating and skipping meals is the worse situation for a health heart.

For more information contact:

Health and Wellness Associates


Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Health and Disease

When in doubt, throw it out!


This was just sent today, in response to the article on sweeteners sent out yesterday.  It is being sent out in its entirety.

FDA Answers Petition To Ban
Aspartame After 14 Years

By Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum.

When I first saw their report on Google from Law360 there were only two paragraphs. Later the rest of the release was added on google news and I realized FDA was actually responding to my 2002 petition for the toxic sweetener to be banned. FDA mentions also Dr. K. Stoller’s petition but omitted the vital fact that Stoller is an M.D.

I appreciate Law360 for revealing FDA’s long delayed answer to my petition. FDA apparently doesn’t want to communicate directly to me because I have their records and can expose their coverup.  They won’t even answer a FOIA request from 2010. By law a citizen’s petition for ban must be answered in 180 days. FDA had told me they had more important things to do.  The imminent health hazard amendment in 2007 that is suppose to be answered in a week or ten days was ignored.

I just wrote a long and detailed report answering what I had read from Law360 showing FDA’s many lies: Now having read the rest mentioning my petition this is part two. Some of their additional absurd remarks need to be explained. Basically they have denied the petition saying aspartame doesn’t cause cancer because they know it’s against the Delaney Amendment to approve something that does. In the first part I quoted Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA’s lead scientist and toxicologist, who clearly stated aspartame causes cancer. FDA lies about this to protect the poison producers, letting the public sicken and die. In 2009 I received a call from FDA’s Michael Delaney upset that I had added the imminent health hazard amendment. He made everything clear when he said: “We have to depopulate!”  

On five acres in Elberton, Georgia stand the Georgia Guidestones which display Ten Guides to an “Age of Reason.” The first is: “Maintain Earth’s population at 500 million” a call to kill 93% of the eight billion humans now on Earth. Apparently FDA is in agreement.

It is tragic aspartame is addictive.  The methyl-ester immediately becomes free methyl alcohol when consumed and is classified as a narcotic causing methanol poisoning. This affects the dopamine system of the brain creating addiction.  A waitress told me: “if there are two groups, one drinking Coke and the other drinking Diet Coke, the Diet Coke group will drink three times as much.” 

Aspartame is a neurotoxic drug that damages the mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell, and interacts with drugs and vaccines.  These facts are laid out in the 1,000 page medical text Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic by the late illustrious H. J. Roberts, M.D.,

Now read the whole short release, and below it, I will answer what I had not read.

FDA Rejects Ban On Diet Soda Sweetener Aspartame

Share us on: By Jeff Overley
Law360, New York (October 27, 2014, 6:58 PM ET) — The U.S.
Food and Drug Administration
has rejected calls to ban low-calorie sweetener aspartame, finding no evidence that the widely used diet soda additive causes cancer.
In responses released Friday, the FDA shot down two citizen petitions that urged regulators to recall the ingredient and to revoke a regulation that allows its use in food. Aspartame is sold under the brand name NutraSweet, is a component of coffee sweetener Equal and is commonly used in popular soft drinks, including Diet Coke.

One of the FDA’s responses addressed a petition originally lodged in 2002 by Georgia-based Mission Possible World Health International, a group focused in large part on the purported dangers of aspartame consumption. That petition attracted more than 1,000 public comments, although most have not been published by the FDA.

According to the FDA, the petition blamed incidences of brain tumors and seizures on aspartame but failed to back up its allegations with concrete data.

The anecdotal accounts of adverse effects of aspartame cited in the citizen petition are not supported by scientific evidence, FDA officials said.

Regulators at times suggested that the concerns are nothing new, writing that some of the alleged health risks were raised roughly 30 years ago and addressed in detail at the time.

Over the past decade, almost 200 adverse events tied to aspartame have been reported to the FDA, but there is little reason to give much credence to those supposed side effects, according to Fridays response.

FDA has not identified any causal link between aspartame consumption and the reported adverse events, and does not know of an established mechanism that would explain how aspartame is associated with the reported adverse events, the agency said.

One of the petitions specific concerns was that consuming aspartame results in harmful production of methanol, but the FDA said that such production is small compared to methanol that results from eating perfectly safe foods, such as apples and pears.

In any event, data reviewed by the FDA shows that methanol in aspartame or in fruits and juices does not accumulate in the body and is easily metabolized by the body’s metabolic capacities, Fridays response said.

A second response posted Friday was directed at petitioner K. Paul Stoller, who in 2009 requested revocation of the aspartame regulation. Much of the response discussed a study conducted by an aspartame-focused group called the European Ramazzini Foundation, with the FDA saying that it has not been able to access full study data and that the studys integrity appears to have been compromised.

Despite your many assertions, you have not identified any scientific data or other information that would cause the agency to alter its conclusions about the safety of aspartame, the FDA wrote to Stoller.

Although aspartame has been used abundantly around the world for many years, lingering worries about its safety have forced companies that use the artificial sweetener to constantly defend the ingredient. The Coca-Cola Co., through its Beverage Institute for Health & Wellness, promotes aspartame as helpful to dieters and calls the additive “one of the most thoroughly studied food ingredients in the world.”

Still, concerns have presented a business opportunity for some corporations, including Israel-based SodaStream International Ltd. Some of the company’s do-it-yourself soda syrups include labeling that prominently says, No aspartame.

–Editing by Philip Shea.

Martini continues:  The release says: ” According to the FDA, the petition blamed incidences of brain tumors and seizures on aspartame but failed to back up its allegations with concrete data.”  First of all, it was the FDA themselves who revoked the petition for approval based on the brain tumor  issue and the fact it had caused brain tumors and brain cancer in original Searle studies.  Go to my web site and read the entire 50 pages where the FDA discusses their own concern about aspartame causing brain tumors: Scroll down to the banners. Secondly, one of the reasons the FDA tried to have G. D. Searle indicted for fraud was that as the rats developed brain tumors they would excise the tumors, put the rats back in the study and when they died they would resurrect them on paper.  Thirdly, why would anyone not think aspartame triggers brain tumors when the molecule breaks down to diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent?

Actually in the original report I wrote about this release, URL above, I went into other studies and reports on the subject in detail.  Having taken the cases for over 20 years from those who suffered aspartame brain tumors I have never forgotten the case of a young 28 year attorney Kelli Motluck who had a head full of aspartame brain tumors who also discussed with me many other aspartame users she knew who had brain tumors.  G. D. Searle sold to Monsanto in 1985 and was the owner at the time Kelli called me.  In her last conversation she said to me, “I want to live, I want to live, I want to live, but if I die promise me you will tell the world Monsanto murdered me.”  After her death I lectured in the UK in 2000 and in the lecture to the Green Party and press I did this.

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., author of ‘Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills’
says about aspartame and brain tumors on page 212 – 213:

“It is interesting to note that the first experiments done to test the safety of aspartame before its final approval in l981 disclosed a high incidence of brain tumors in the animals fed NutraSweet. In fact, this study was done by the manufacturer of NutraSweet, G. D. Searle. In this study 320 rats were fed aspartame and 120 rats were fed a normal diet and used as controls. The study lasted two years. At the end of the study twelve of the aspartame fed rats had developed brain tumors (astrocytomas), while none of the control rats had. This represented a 3.75% incidence of brain tumors in the rats fed aspartame, which was twenty-five times higher than the incidence of spontaneous brain tumors developing in rats (0.15%). ”

“The study divided the rats into those exposed to low doses of aspartame and those exposed to a high dose. In the low dose group five of the rats developed brain tumors for and incidence of 3.13%. In the high dose group, seven developed brain tumors (4.38%). This indicates a dose related incidence of brain tumors. The higher the dose of aspartame, the more brain tumors were induced. ”

“When Dr. John Olney pointed out these findings to the FDA “Aspartame Board of Inquiry” he was told that the high incidence of tumors was the result of spontaneous development of brain tumors in rats. That is, that some rats develop brain tumors naturally, just as humans do. Dr. Olney is a trained neuropathologist as well as a neuroscientist. He reviewed the incidence of spontaneously occurring brain tumors in rats and found that out of seven studies using a total of 59,000 rats and only 0,08% developed brain tumors – the aspartame fed rats had a forty-seven fold higher incidence. But to be fair, he even accepted G. D. Searle’s references for spontaneously developing brain tumors in rats and arrives at a figure of 0.15%. This was still a twenty-five fold higher incidence in the aspartame fed rats than in the controls. ”

“It was then observed that when brain tumors develop spontaneously in rats, the rate at which they appear begins to accelerate after two years of age, exactly when the Searle’s study ended. Importantly, brain tumors are extremely rare before age one and one-half in the rat. So in truth the incidence of spontaneously occurring brain tumors would be even less than cited above. Yet, the aspartame fed rats developed two tumors by sixty weeks of age and five tumors by seventy weeks.”

“In a collective study of 41,000 rats no tumors were seen to occur before sixty weeks and only one by seventy weeks. The fact that 320 aspartame fed rats developed six brain tumors by seventy-six weeks indicates an “incredible and unprecedented” occurrence. Within the final twenty-eight weeks of the study six more brain tumors occurred in the aspartame fed group. Dr. Olney notes that “one must assume that many more (brain tumors) would have occurred after 104 weeks. ”

“It became obvious that the G. D. Searle Company was trying desperately to protect their potential billion dollar plus money maker. They claimed that more brain tumors were found because they searched the pathological slides so diligently. But, they searched just as diligently in the control rats and found none. Besides, neuropathologists examining the slides later stated that the tumors were large enough to be seen with the naked eye. ”

“Because of the criticism submitted by Dr. Olney, the G. D. Searle company conducted a second study which was designed to be more comprehensive. Instead of a two-year study, this would span the entire lifetime of the rats, from intrauterine life to death. The results of this study can only be characterized as bizarre. This time they reported five brain tumors in 120 control rats (an incidence of 3.13%) and four brain tumors in 120 control rats (an incidence of 3.33%). While this was designed to show that aspartame was not the cause of the brain tumors, if accepted, the study would indicate that both groups had a brain tumor incidence thirty times higher than the known rate of spontaneous brain tumor occurrence in rats.”

“But the story gets even more interesting, Dr. Olney hypothesized that one possible cause of the tumor induction was a by-product of aspartame metabolism called diketopiperazine (DKP). When nitrosated by the gut it produces a compound closely resembling a powerful brain tumor causing chemical – N-nitrosourea. ”

“The G. D. Searle company conducted a separate study to test the carcinogenicity of diketopiperazine (DKP). The results of this study were not submitted to the FDA until after aspartame had already been approved for general use by the American population. This study was not a lifetime study but rather a 115 week study which consisted of feeding rats their normal feed mixed with DKP. There were 114 control animals and 216 that supposedly ate the DKP. (Not all of the animals were even examined for tumors.) There were two brain tumors in the controls (1.62% incidence) and three (1.52% in the DKP groups. But strangely enough, the incidence of brain tumors found in both groups were sixteen times higher than would be expected from spontaneous occurring tumors. That did not make sense.”

“So how can we explain these strange findings? It is instructive at this point to know that in l975 the drug enforcement division of the Bureau of Foods investigated the G. D. Searle company as part of an investigation of “apparent irregularities in data collection and reporting practices.” The director of the FDA at that time stated that they found “sloppy” laboratory techniques and “clerical errors, mixed-up animals, animals not getting the drugs they were supposed to get, pathological specimens lost because of improper handling, and a variety of other errors, (which) even if innocent, all conspire to obscure positive findings and produce falsely negative results.”

“The drug enforcement division carried out a study under the care of agent Jerome Bressler concerning Searle’s laboratory practices and data manipulation (known as the Bressler Report  He found that the feed used to test DKP had been improperly mixed so that the animals would receive only small doses of the chemical to be tested. (I have seen a photograph of the feed mix and can attest to the “sloppy” method used.) The commissioner also charged G. D. Searle company with “failure to maintain control and experimental animals on separate racks and failure to mark animals to ensure against mix-ups between experiments (animals fed aspartame and DKP) and controls.” This vital and telling report was buried in a file cabinet, never to be acted on by the FDA.”

“Such poor techniques would explain why both control animals and those eating aspartame had exceptionally high brain tumor rates, since they, most likely, were both eating the aspartame feed. What is ironic is that the FDA would accept studies from a company with an obvious heavy financial interest in having aspartame approved. But even more amazing is that they would depend on the same company to provide studies that they, FDA, knew beforehand were highly questionable and possibly fraudulent upon which they would make such an important public safety decision.”

“Thus far, no independent studies have been done to examine this vital issue. As a neurosurgeon I see the devastating effects a brain tumor has, not only on its victim, but on the victim’s family as well. To think that there is even a reasonable doubt that aspartame can induce brain tumors in the American population is frightening. And to think that the FDA has lulled them into a false sense of security is a monumental crime.” (end of quotes from book)

Searle’s shenanigans and fraud were so bad because they couldn’t prove aspartame safe they needed help to coverup the issue so on August 4, l976 they met with the FDA and convinced them to allow them to hire a private agency, University Associated for Education in Pathology (UAREP). As described by Florence Graves (l984, page s5500 of Congressional Record l985a):

“The pathologists were specifically told that they were not to make a judgment about aspartame’s safety or to look at the designs of the tests. Why did the FDA choose to have pathologists conduct an investigation when even some FDA officials acknowledged at the time that UAREP had a limited task which would only partially shed light on the validity of Searle’s testing? The answer is not clear.”

In other words, UAREP was sworn to silence, and how much did they get to be quiet? They received a half a million dollars!!!

Searle was intent on getting aspartame approved. They had invested 19.7 million dollars in an incomplete production facility and 9.2 million dollars in aspartame inventory. On Dec 8, l975, stockholders filed a class action lawsuit alleging that G. D. Searle had concealed information from the public regarding the nature and quality of animal research at G. D. Searle in violation of the Securities and Exchange Act (Farber l989, page 48).

Aspartame also triggered mammary, uterine, ovarian, pancreatic, testicular and thyroid tumors just for starters, not just brain tumors. There were also pituitary adenomas.

On the seizure issue.  It is hard to believe that the FDA would even have the audacity to suggest there is not sufficient evidence.,  Searle’s own study,  52 week oral toxicity on 7 infant monkeys, showed that 5 had grand mal seizures and 1 died.,  Enter the twilight zone.  This study was used as pivotal in the approval of aspartame to show safety.  Here is that study in full: Also, in 1986 the Community Nutrition Institute with Attorney James Turner filed a petition to ban aspartame because so many people were having seizures and going blind from the methanol. Cynthia Mueggenborg wrote me that she was invited to attend the National Consumer Conference by the head of a department at OSU in January of 1986.  She said there she heard a representative of the FDA tell 3000 people that FDA was pulling aspartame from human usage as it caused seizures and blindness.  So here is the admission of the FDA themselves.  The reason it wasn’t banned at that time as it was taken to the Supreme Court in Chicago.  I was told someone got to the judge but I think that even today that judge should be made to explain why he refused to allow aspartame to be banned.  It’s common knowledge, for instance, that methanol blinds.  Remember prohibition?

Evidence of the whole situation of aspartame triggering seizures was sent to FDA by Mark Gold of the Aspartame Toxicity Center,. This report is so indepth he even goes through industry’s studies showing what they did in an attempt to deny the issue.  In the Rowen Study notice it was a one day study.  Monsanto was so afraid someone would have a seizure they gave 16 of the 18 subjects anti-seizure medication and didn’t tell anyone!

In 1996 my husband’s Michigan cousin, Mary Lee, visited us on the way to Florida with the news: “William Reed is dying, having 6 or 8 seizures a day and his physician has not been able to stop them.”  I asked if he was using NutraSweet/Aspartame/Equal and was suffering from MS symptoms, going blind, losing his memory and having headaches.  He was.

I told her to call and tell him to stop the aspartame immediately. She said: “He may already be dead.”  It was almost comical to hear her say, “William, Betty says you don’t have to die, get off aspartame.”

When she returned from Florida Mary Lee said William had abstained from  aspartame and the seizures had stopped.  When she was leaving she stood in the door and said, “Betty, do you realize if I had not stopped in Atlanta William would be dead.”  This shows you the importance of warning by all people.  Because of the lies of the FDA, trade organizations receiving funding from the manufacturers and front groups people don’t associate their aspartame diseases and symptoms with the product., So they just keep dying like William would have had not we gotten him the information.

One June 19, 1997 Dr. Timothy K. Dickinson of the Allegan Medical Clinic wrote:  “William Reed is a 48 year old male with diabetes mellitus type I, on insulin.  I have been involved, as his family physician, with his care since 1990.  In September of 1995 he began describing episodes of generalized uncontrolled shaking, lasting up to 30 seconds.  He would afterward feel good, and at times, euphoric.  They would often be preceded by periorbital aching.  He initially interpreted these to reflect a hyperglycemic state, and nothing abnormal showed up on his exam.  At a follkow up visit in October, they were still occurring, lasting less than one minute, with mild tremoring, again preceded by the retrobulbar aching, especially on the left.  While I was with the patient in the room at that visit, and he was on the exam table, I witnessed one of these episodes, which I described as being generalized clonus.  He was able to tell me seconds before it started that it was going to happen.  He did not talk through it.  It lasted approximately 10-15 seconds, cleared for about the same period of time and occurred again.  During this time, he tended to hyperextend or arch his back on the table.  He seemed to be weak, but not postictal afterwards,  It was within the next 6 weeks that a family member came to understand that NutraSweet could cause problems of this nature, and within two days of him discontinuing all Nutrasweet use, the seizures stopped and he has none since that time.  He has also had far fewer headaches since then,  He was able to resume driving, which he had ceased, because of his fear of these episodes occurring while on the road.” —

Eighteen years have passed since Mary Lee said William Reed was about to die, and he is still alive. 

Some years ago I worked with an allergist and the way they find out the culprit causing problems to the patient is called the “add back system”. They keep removing products from the patient’s diet until the problem stops.  Then they add back the product and if the symptoms return they know they have found what caused the problem   They don’t call it anecdotal – they call proof.

After taking aspartame seizures cases for over 20 years I could write a book on the cases. Robin Goodwin’s wife in the Falkland Islands developed an aspartame brain tumor and had to be air lifted to England. His daughter suffered seizures for 18 years.  On reading one of my articles he had his daughter abstain.  She has never had another seizure. Robin knew how hard it would be to get aspartame banned because of the power and influence of industry, so he wrote a letter to all the 3,000 or 4,000 Falkland islanders warning them, and had the information published.  We thank Robin Goodwin, activist extraordinaire, for saving the lives of the people of an island nation.

It should also be noted that when Dr. Richard Wurtman of MIT decided to do studies on aspartame and seizures he was threatened by the VP of Searle that if he did his research funds would be rejected.  They were. Read about it in the UPI investigation by Gregory Gordon: Scroll down to banners.  Notice ILSI was set up, a research funds front group.  MIT now gets research funds but Dr. Wurtman now refuses to speak out about aspartame.  At one time he reported to have over 200 cases of aspartame triggered seizures which he said was enough to remove it from the market.

The FDA Rejection news release says:  “The anecdotal accounts of adverse effects of aspartame cited in the citizen petition are not supported by scientific evidence,”

This statement is laughable! 

Dr. H. J. Roberts in Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic said: “Aspartame disease no longer can be ignored as incidental anecdotal reactions.  This sobering assertion has been validated by personal observations, those of other physicians, the FDA data, mounting epidemiologic evidence, and a host of experimental studies.   — The clinical features are often severe – especially headache, convulsions, impaired vision, dizziness, confusion, profound memory loss, refractory fatigue, intense depression, gross changes in personality or behavior, eating disorders, loss of diabetes control, and the aggravation or simulation of diabetic complications.”

Page 39:  “But the medical profession has a tendency to discard out of hand, and disparagingly, ‘anecdotal’ information.  Digitalis, morphine, quinine, atropine, and the like are chemical derivatives that stem from anecdotal folklore remedies.  After all, one anecdote may be a fable, but 1,000 anecdotes can be a biography… A vital function of the medical profession is to sift anecdotes and submit them, if possible, to scientific evaluation.  But it all starts as anecdote.”  Dr. Charles Harris (1987)  

So what do you do with millions of anecdotes?  Go to the Internet and read them all day.  I picked this one as an example:

 “Aspartame and seizures

Submitted by sydlee06 on Thu, 2007-07-26 23:10

“My daughter started having very hard to control seizures in Nov 06, it was continually getting worse. She had to be admitted to the hospital 3 times in March, the last time she was admitted I had read an article about aspartame and seizures and stopped allowing it in her diet. My husband is diabetic, so we used to have quite a few aspartame sweetened things in the home, ie: pudding, jello, lemonade, etc..

“She has not had a single seizure since stopping aspartame in her diet. Not one, and she previously had 3 to 27 tonic clonic daily and almost constant partial and absence seizures daily. Her neuro did not say much about it when I told her about it, but as for me that is proof enough. Not to mention that my migraines are almost non existent since I quit drinking diet soda. I wish it would get taken of the market, because now in a fight against obesity schools are even using it in lunches. Which means my daughter can not ever eat school lunches”

Also, Dr. H. J. Roberts and I attended the Conference of the American College of Physicians at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia many years ago. We went to several workshops, especially neurological. One professor said “Can anyone tell me even if its off the wall why people everywhere are having seizures for no reason?” Dr. Roberts insisted I explain and I told him about aspartame. He seemed surprised. Another physician raised his hand and said, “Professor, I’m afraid she is right., I’m not only a physician but a pilot and have a friend who flies commercially and has seizures. We’re going to have to report him.,” Mission Possible also has an Aviation Division, and on you can read Dr. Russell Blaylock’s excellent Aspartame Pilot Alert. I started Mission Possible Aviation when Cliff Evans crashed his plane on aspartame. He came to Atlanta to ask me to help the pilots. I’ve gone so far as to visit the Air Force base in New Mexico when industry got to “Flying Safety” and they retracted their warning on aspartame. I couldn’t let Air Force pilots believe the retraction and one called to thank me and said he would get the info all over the base. FAA told me that because the FDA approved this toxin they couldn’t legally do anything but on the side they warn pilots.

The FDA Rejects Ban release also says:

“Regulators at times suggested that the concerns are nothing new, writing that some of the alleged health risks were raised 30 years ago and addressed in detail at the time.”  The wrong word was used, not addressed but ignored.

The cover-ups by government agencies is incredible.  In November 1984 the CDC reviewed 213 of 592 cases of aspartame complaints.  Some of the reported symptoms included aggressive behavior, disorientation, hyperactivity, extreme numbness, excitability, memory loss, loss of depth perception, liver impairment, cardiac arrest, seizures, suicidal tendencies, severe mood swings and death. The CDC recommended future investigations of aspartame investigate the neurological and behavioral problems and focus on symptoms such as headaches, mood alterations and behavioral chances. So how was this CDC report covered up?  The CDC had Frederick L. Trowbridge add an executive summary to the report which conflicts with the investigation.   He even said “Currently available information, based on data with limitations as described in the report, indicated a wide variety of complaints that are generally of a mild nature.”  Frankly, I’ve never seen a mild case of  such things as cardiac arrest and grand mal eizures and death!  Next, CDC did not put the real investigation on their web site, simply the summary which contradicted the report where it still remains today.  Check it out.  In the aspartame documentary, “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World” you will see me holding up the real investigation and we have it on my web site of and

Next the release says:  “FDA has not identified any causal link between aspartame consumption and the reported adverse events and does not know of an established mechanism that would explain how aspartame is associated with the reported adverse events,”

After 30 years they don’t think physicians and researchers have documented the mechanisms?!  FDA has Dr. Roberts encyclopedic medical text. “Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic” which in discussing the diseases triggered or precipitated by aspartame list the mechanisms. It not only precipitates diabetes but simulates and aggravates diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve, causes diabetics to go into convulsions and interacts with insulin.  The free methyl alcohol causes them to lose limbs. 

Dr. Roberts was a diabetic specialist, once named The Best Doctor in the United States by the medical publication, Practice 84. On page 542 of his text the headline says:  “Mechanisms of Aspartame’s Diabetogenic Potential”.  Dr. Roberts even sent one to the European Food Safety Authority.  Would we even begin to believe the FDA has none of the medical books giving these mechanisms which are now known the world over, as well as all the independent scientific peer reviewed studies?

The release: “One of the petition’s specific concerns was that consuming aspartame results in harmful production of methanol, but the FDA said that such production is small compared to methanol that results from eating perfectly safe foods, such as apples and pears. In any event, data reviewed by the FDA shows that “methanol in aspartame or in fruits and juices – does not accumulate in the body and is easily metabolized by the body’s metabolic capacities,”

FDA knows well that the single carbon methanol in fruit is always accompanied by ethanol, the classic antidote to methanol poisoning that takes it safely out of the body. Thus the classic first aid for methanol poisoning is to administer whisky, ethanol, ethyl alcohol. Furthermore in nature methanol binds to pectin.,  Dr. Ralph Walton has repeatedly written about it.  Now Dr. Woodrow Monte has written a book about the methanol in aspartame, “While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills”,

The National Health Federation recently published my article about this, “Rotgut Aspartame: Methanol Mania”:     Also see my report to FDA on on a banner, “FDA Violates Data Quality Act”  on the issue.  The Trocho Study has shown that the formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA.,

Another FDA claim in their release: “In the past decade, almost 200 adverse events tied to aspartame have been reported to the FDA, but there is little reason to give much credence to those supposed side effects, according to Friday’s response.” 

In1985 FDA published a list of 92 reactions to aspartame including blindness, and sexual dysfunction from 10,000 volunteered consumer complaints. They deny it now and have removed that report but access and at the top of the page you will see the FDA’s report of 92 symptoms from 4 types of seizures to coma and death.

How many complaints FDA really received we will never know.  In Congressional hearings and we have them on web you will notice it was reported that the FDA was so swamped with aspartame complaints they were referring them to the AIDS Hotline.  Dr. David Kessler once said only 1% report adverse reactions to the FDA.  He also said that in 1996 they would grant blanket approval of aspartame if the complaints went down.  I figured they would probably stop taking complaints to stop them from going up and they did.  Call after call from consumers told me the FDA refused to take their aspartame complaint and said they were no longer taking them.  That was expected but how do you make existing complaints go down.  They did, check out the 1996 report on web.  Dr. H. J. Roberts called me absolutely furious at the way the FDA arrived at this reduction.  He said he had a letter that stated they had to change their bookkeeping system and in order to do this they had to throw away hundreds of aspartame complaints. 

The original manufacturer, G. D. Searle, actually released in congressional hearings secret trade information which stated aspartame could not be used for everything:  The FDA themselves said in the beginning you couldn’t heat aspartame which is why they originally only approved it in dry form.  However, I fail to see how its not heated when you put Equal in a hot cup of coffee.  Then in 1993 they approved it for baking!

For years I forwarded aspartame complaints to the FDA but they never added them to their records.  I finally realized FDA will always protect aspartame to the bitter end. FDA works for the poison makers. Many of the drugs they approve are later removed and the TV is full of advertising by legal firms suing drug makers. It’s all about money! With that kind of money the drug makers make they can buy all the bureaucrats they need to sell their poisons.

FDA claims aspartame is the most tested product in history.  It definitely is.  They couldn’t keep the animals alive or show safety and they kept testing, but aspartame was never proven safe.  Then independent researchers the world over began research on aspartame and showing the disasters it brings to us. The internet swarms with physician’s research reports and the tragic stories of the victims of this cruel commercial campaign against a world population.

Dr. Ralph Walton did research for 60 Minutes showing that almost 100% of independent scientific peer reviewed studies showing the problems aspartame triggers., He did his own study on aspartame even using a lower ADI. When the administrator of the hospital lost his vision in one eye and other complaints the institution stopped the study. He is now doing a study on birth defects. Dr. James Bowen wrote the FDA over two decades ago telling them aspartame is mass poisoning of the US and over 70 countries of the world. Now its over 100. He wrote in “Aspartame Murders Infants” that aspartame violates Title 18 of the domestic genocide law: He is a victim himself suffering from ALS.

As to what to use a safe sweetener has been made, “Just Like Sugar” Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote in the Blaylock Wellness Report: “Finally a safe sweetener”. The public must read labels and do research rather than accept lies of the FDA. They have approved several toxic sweeteners that have been proven to cause cancer and other problems. Never, never forget the words of Dr. M. Alemany who did the Trocho Study: “Aspartame will murder 200 million people.”  

In the immortal words of Dr. H. J. Roberts: “When in doubt throw it out.”

Help make this report go viral, save a life today.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health International (warning the world off aspartame)
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599