Foods, Uncategorized

Why Should You Pick Steel Oats?

Health and Wellness Associates

EHS – Telehealth


Why Should You Eat Steel Oats and Not Quaker Oatmeal


steel oats


Oats are sold in more forms than any other grain. All of them are high in beta-glucan, a kind of fiber that has special cholesterol-lowering properties. Studies have shown that individuals with high cholesterol have reduced their total level by eight to 23 percent simply by consuming three grams of this soluble fiber per day – the amount you get in one bowl of oatmeal.


Steel-cut oats (also known as Irish or pinhead oats) are whole oats that have been chopped into two or three pieces with steel blades. Uncut, they are known as oat groats. Steel-cut oats and oat groats are the least processed forms available.


Rolled oats are made by steaming the groats, then rolling them, steaming them again, and, finally, toasting them resulting in the familiar thin flakes. Though processed, rolled oats are still a whole grain. The cooking time for steel-cut oats is 20 to 40 minutes, compared to 10 minutes for rolled oats and 45 to 60 minutes for oat groats.


I prefer steel-cut oats because they digest more slowly than rolled ones. Like all other grains in whole or cracked form, steel-cut oats rank lower than rolled oats on the glycemic index (GI), which ranks carbohydrate foods on the basis of how rapidly they affect blood sugar (glucose). The reason for this difference is that it takes longer for digestive enzymes to reach the starch inside the thicker pieces, slowing down their conversion to sugar.


The higher on the glycemic index a food ranks, the more likely it is to cause spikes in blood sugar. Over time, these rapid fluctuations can cause genetically susceptible people (many of us) to develop insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is associated with obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood fats, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.


You can be sure you’re eating a whole grain with a low GI ranking if you have to chew it or can see the grains or pieces of grains. The more your jaw has to work, the better.


Oat bran – the finely ground meal of oat groats’ outer layer – has the health benefits of a whole grain with its high fiber and low starch content. It makes a good addition to other foods, especially baked goods. Despite its short cooking time and smooth texture, it won’t spike blood sugar levels, thanks to its soluble fiber.


While I recommend steel-cut oats, “old fashioned” rolled oats are preferable to quick-cooking ones or instant oatmeal. Those products do not provide whole, intact grains, and some brands of the latter contain partially hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors and colors, or a lot of added sugar and salt.


Because oats have a higher fat content than other grains, they go rancid more easily. For that reason, whether you’re buying oat groats, steel-cut oats, rolled oats or oat bran, buy in smaller quantities, and store these foods in the refrigerator.



Health and Wellness Associates



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Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Uncategorized

Berry Smoothie with Flaxseeds

Health and Wellness Associates

EHS – Telehealth


Berry Smoothie with Flaxseeds-Dairy Free

Berry Smoothie with Flaxseeds.jpg


This is one of the best smoothies for all women!

Flaxseeds, like nuts, add protein and fiber to a smoothie. Grind your flaxseeds before placing them in the blender.


  • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
  • 1 cup nut milk (almond milk should work great)
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 banana
  1. Place ingredients in blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.

Health and Wellness Associates

Archived Article

312-972-9355 (WELL)

Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Uncategorized

Papaya Tropical Smoothie – Dairy Free

Health and Wellness Associates

EHS – Telehealth


Papaya Tropical Smoothie


Papaya Tropical Smoothie.jpg

Papayas stand in for bananas and mangoes in terms of making a smoothie creamy. Plus, these tropical fruits are high in vitamins C and A.

Use either 1 cup of coconut water or ½ cup water plus ½ cup coconut milk



  • 1 papaya
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup coconut water


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend at high speed until smooth and creamy.

Health and Wellness Associates


312-972-9355 (WELL)


Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Fruits that Fight Heart Disease

Health and Wellness Associates

EHS Telehealth


Fruits that Fight Heart Disease


The next time you are at the grocery store, seek out a selection of colorful berries to add to your shopping cart. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are an easy, delicious way to protect your health. Berries can be found year-round, either fresh  or frozen – you can even grow your own, and including them in your diet is effortless. They taste great and can be eaten for breakfast in oatmeal or added to a smoothie, tossed into a salad at lunch, or blended into a nutritious “nice” cream for dessert after dinner.


These vibrant, health-promoting fruits are rich in fiber and cardioprotective antioxidant phytochemicals. Antioxidants, both from the diet and naturally produced by the body, are critical for your health as they protect against oxidation and minimize damage to your cells from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that can potentially damage genetic material and other cellular components. Accumulated free radical damage over time ages the body and contributes to chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants slow or stop the reactions of free radicals, neutralizing them.


Berries: More than Antioxidants

Some dietary antioxidants, like vitamin C, work in the body primarily as antioxidants. The antioxidants in berries are different: The major antioxidant phytochemicals in berries are anthocyanins, in the class of flavonoids. These phytochemicals are concentrated in the skins of berries, give rise to their deep colors, are thought to have a number of benefits that are unrelated to direct antioxidant effects.


Flavonoids do have antioxidant activity; however, their most powerful health benefits are thought to be due to their other biological effects. Berries and their flavonoids have been found to decrease oxidation of LDL cholesterol which helps prevent the production of atherosclerotic plaque, increase blood antioxidant capacity, decrease adhesion of inflammatory cells to vessel walls, and improve blood pressure regulation.


Higher anthocyanin and berry consumption is associated with lowering an inflammatory marker called C-reactive protein, suggesting that berries may curb inflammation. The phytochemicals in berries also may enhance nitric oxide production in blood vessels, which helps to properly regulate blood pressure. Studies have shown that high flavonoid intake is associated with an up to 45 percent reduction in risk of coronary heart disease. Nurses’ Health Study II data showed that young and middle-aged women who ate three or more weekly servings of blueberries or strawberries had a 34 percent reduction in heart attack risk compared to those who consumed a smaller amount of berries over the 18-year follow-up period. Furthermore, berries also have anti-cancer effects and provide protection against diabetes and cognitive decline with aging.


Berries Are Superfoods

Long-term studies measuring berry or flavonoid consumption suggest that all these cardiovascular benefits of berries add up to longevity value, according to the reduced risk of all-cause mortality observed in these studies.


Berries are the fruits with the highest nutrient-to-calorie ratio and an important component of a high-nutrient diet; I consider them to be superfoods. Along with greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, and seeds, berries .  These are foods you should eat every day, and they should make up a significant portion of your diet to promote health and longevity and to fight chronic disease.


One thing is for sure: It is clear these small packages of sweetly tart fruits have an amazing capacity to benefit our health. They are an important component of a high-nutrient diet. Eat some berries daily to provide your body with protection against free radicals, inflammation, heart disease, and cancers.  Women should eat 1/2 cup of berries daily just to maintain normal health.



Health and Wellness Associates

Archived: JF

Dr A Sullivan



Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Crust-less Asparagus Quiche

Health and Wellness Associates
EHS Telehealth


Crust-less Asparagus Quiche




2 cups sliced asparagus

6 egg whites

2 whole eggs

1/3 cup diced onion

1/2 cup (low-fat) feta cheese, optional parmesan cheese

1/2 cup diced tomatoes

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Kosher or sea salt to taste





Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


Combine all ingredients in a medium mixing bowl and pour into a quiche pan or 9-inch glass pie plate.


Bake at 350° for approximately 45 minutes or until filling is set.


Health and Wellness Associates


Dr Gail Gray  CPH


Foods, Uncategorized

Asparagus : One of the best!

Health and Wellness Associates


Asparagus Is a Very Healthy Vegetable


Asparagus spears are both delicious and nutritious, so they’re a perfect vegetable to add to your diet. You can find asparagus that is green, white, or purple. In the United States, the green variety is most common, while white asparagus is prevalent throughout Europe.

The great news is that you can enjoy asparagus all year long as it’s a common fixture in produce markets.

Yet, the peak season for asparagus is in spring, so be sure to take advantage of the best spears of the year during that time.

Asparagus is a low-calorie, low carbohydrate, and high fiber food choice. One-half cup contains only 20 calories and 3.7 grams carbohydrate. It also delivers seven percent of your daily fiber needs.


Health Benefits of Asparagus

Asparagus is an excellent source of vitamin K. It’s also a very good source of vitamin A, riboflavin (B2), folate, thiamin, and iron. A good amount of vitamin C can also be found in it.

It’s important to note that if you take Warfarin (coumadin), it’s best to maintain consistent intakes of vitamin K. Try to eat the same amount of high vitamin K foods like asparagus and green leafy vegetables each day.

Asparagus is a good source of many phytonutrients, including antioxidants which may help protect our cells from damage.

It also contains a fairly large amount of glutathione which may help to fight against cancer.

Asparagus is also a source of insulin, a type of fiber that supports healthy gut bacteria. This is an area of research that is now getting a great deal of attention. We are learning the value of gut health in disease prevention and health maintenance.

It’s believed that asparagus is a natural diuretic and at least one recent animal study has backed up this claim. It can help reduce bloating due to a combination of minerals and the plant protein called asparagine.


Is There a Nutritional Difference Between White and Green Asparagus?

In comparison, both white and green asparagus contain roughly the same amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fiber in one serving. The difference is that white asparagus is grown underground. Because it is not exposed to light, it does not produce chlorophyll. Therefore white asparagus contains less chlorophyll than the green spears.

White asparagus contains marginally less vitamin C as well. White asparagus tends to be thicker than the green variety, so it tastes better when cooked through—it doesn’t lend the crisp texture that green asparagus does.


Why Does Asparagus Make Your Urine Smell?

There’s nothing unusual about having a strange odor to your urine after eating asparagus.

The vegetable contains sulfurous amino acids that break down during digestion. This produces smelly chemical compounds that present themselves as you urinate. It’s perfectly natural and not something to be alarmed about.


Picking and Storing Asparagus

When selecting fresh asparagus, choose stalks that have a tightly closed bud. The stalks should be rich in color, stand firm, and appear plump and straight. Avoid asparagus that is limp, mushy, or dull in color.

Asparagus can also be purchased frozen and canned. Avoid frozen asparagus that is packaged with cheese, butter, or other types of sauces. Instead, chose plain asparagus and add the toppings on your own.

Be sure to wash canned asparagus before use.

Fresh asparagus can dry out quickly, so it’s important to store it properly to maintain freshness. To extend its shelf life and prevent food waste:

Keep your asparagus in the rubber band and trim off the bottoms (about 1 inch).

Wrap the ends in a moist paper towel.

Stand them up in a small amount of water (about 1 inch) in the refrigerator.

The stalks should not be washed until just before you’re ready to cook.


Healthy Ways to Prepare Asparagus

Asparagus is a great vegetable to use in a pinch because it can be cooked quickly. Make extra asparagus and add it to your morning meal or use it for hearty, healthy soups. Make a simple marinade and grill, roast, or saute your asparagus to pair with proteins for a balanced meal or dress up your asparagus and eat it in or as a salad.

Health and Wellness Associates

Archived Article

312-972-9355  (WELL)


Foods, Uncategorized

Tomato and Broccoli Broiled Top Breakfast Frittata

Health and Wellness Associates


Tomato and Broccoli Broiled Top Breakfast Frittata

Tomato and Broccoli Broiled Top Breakfast Frittata


If you’re like me and a big fan of hitting the snooze button, then you know that making a nutritious and filling breakfast can be a challenge. Prepare this veggie packed frittata on the weekend and enjoy a slice for a grab-and-go breakfast. Your stomach will thank you!


  • 8 eggs, beaten
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • ½ yellow onion, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large tomato, chopped
  • 2 cups frozen broccoli florets, defrosted
  • 1 ounce goat cheese


  1. Beat eggs together with salt and pepper in a large bowl until well combined. Place rack in the middle of the oven and preheat broiler.
  2. Heat olive oil in a large, ovenproof skillet on medium heat. Add onion and saute until translucent, about 3 minutes. Stir in tomato and cook until tender, about 2 minutes. Stir in broccoli.
  3. Pour in beaten egg and move around until it covers the pan completely. Cook the frittata until it’s starting to set around the edges, then sprinkle the top with goat cheese. Place the frittata under the broiler to cook through. It should only take a minute and keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Ingredient Variations and Substitutions

I love to make frittatas as an easy and satisfying breakfast throughout the year and switch things up based on what vegetables are in season. Try heirloom tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella in the summer, kale and cheddar in the fall, cauliflower and feta in the winter, and asparagus and goat cheese in the spring.

If you’d like to reduce the amount of cholesterol in this recipe, replace some of the whole eggs with egg whites. You’ll need whites for every egg. You could also replace 2 eggs with ½ cup milk or unsweetened, unflavored plant milk.

To make this dairy free, simply leave out the goat cheese.

If you like your eggs with hot sauce, stir a teaspoon into the beaten egg or douse generously with your favorite hot sauce to serve.

I also like it topped with fresh herbs, like chives, green onions, or parsley.

Cooking and Serving Tips

Another fun option is to turn this recipe into mini-frittatas baked in a muffin tin. They’re perfect for snacks or sandwiched between a whole grain English muffin or mini-bagel to make a breakfast sandwich.

To make, crack an egg into 8 wells sprayed with oil, season with a bit of salt and pepper, then whisk together with a fork. Divide the sauteed onions, tomatoes, and defrosted broccoli between the wells then bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes.

To include a serving of healhty carbs with this meal, serve this with a slice or two of whole grain toast or English muffin, a side of fresh fruit, or add cubes or slices of steamed sweet or white potatoes to the frittata.

This frittata also makes a delicious dinner. Serve with whole grain bread or roasted potatoes and a side salad dressed with a quick dressing of equal parts lemon juice, olive oil, and a teaspoon of mustard to emulsify.

This frittata will last 5 days covered in the refrigerator. Serve warm, reheated in the microwave for 30 seconds, or at room temperature.

Dr P Carrothers
Director of Personalized Healthcare
Preventative and Restorative Medicene
312-972-9355 ( WELL)


Foods, Uncategorized

Grocery Stores Forced to Sell CAFO EGGS


Grocery Stores Forced to Carry CAFO Eggs


In the U.S., 94 percent of eggs produced come from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), or factory farms,1 where hens, so-called “caged layers,” spend their entire lives in small wire battery cages. Each hen gets a space that’s smaller than a standard sheet of paper where she’s unable to even spread her wings. This practice is undeniably cruel, with the hens suffering severe health problems as a result of their immobility, from spinal cord deterioration leading to paralysis to muscle and bone wasting.


Battery cages have already been banned in the European Union, and in the U.S. demand is growing for more humane — and healthier — cage-free options. In fact, about 100 grocery chains, 60 restaurant chains and other food businesses have said they plan to switch to cage-free eggs in the next 10 years, a move that would affect about 70 percent of the U.S. egg demand.2


This would require the majority of CAFO egg producers to rethink the cheap way they’re churning out eggs, so not surprisingly there’s been some resistance from the industry.


Among the most brazen is a bill introduced in Iowa that would require grocery stores in the state to always carry CAFO eggs.3 The pitch is that cage-free eggs can be more expensive, so the bill is supposed to protect consumers’ access to cheaper eggs and ensure “consumer choice,” but what it’s really about is protecting the interests of industrialized agriculture.


Clearly Big Ag is getting nervous; even Walmart has said it will eventually source its eggs from cage-free operations, but the bill, if it’s passed, would require them to still carry CAFO eggs in its Iowa stores.4


CAFO Chicken Producers Are Dirty Birds

In addition to eggs, CAFOs also supply the vast majority of chicken bought and consumed in the U.S., with similar concerns about animal welfare, public health and environmental pollution. Big Chicken, including big names such as Tyson Foods, Perdue Farms, Pilgrim’s Pride, Koch Farms and Sanderson Farm, has also been hit with a number of lawsuits recently alleging they engaged in a conspiracy to raise and fix prices over the last decade.


“Historically, broiler chicken was priced on a boom-and-bust cycle — when prices for chicken went up, so did supply; then, prices would fall,” WUWM reported.5 More recently, however, the price of broiler chickens has stabilized and risen, even as input costs, such as corn and soy for feed, have dropped. The game-changer appears to be Agri Stats, a software program that allows poultry companies to share data such as production numbers, bird sizes and financial returns.


“The database company gathers information from 95 percent of poultry processors and tracks 22 million birds a day. Companies can then use this information, according to farmers, retailers and distributors, to set a higher price for all their products,” according to WUWM.6


A Bloomberg report also revealed that profit margins at some leading chicken producers grew exponentially in recent years. For Tyson, profits rose from 1.6 percent to 11.9 percent from 2009 to 2016 and, for Pilgrim’s Pride, from 3.8 percent to nearly 13 percent between 2012 and 2015.7,8


In 2016, a lawsuit from Maplevale Farms, a food wholesaler, was filed against Tyson and Pilgrim’s alleging the companies were in collusion to increase broiler wholesale prices by nearly 50 percent from 2008, causing Maplevale to pay inflated prices. Another lawsuit, filed in 2017 by several farmers against Tyson, Pilgrim’s Pride, Perdue, Sanderson, Koch and others, alleges the companies formed a cartel to keep down farmers’ wages. WUWM continued:9


“In April 2017, Chicken Kitchen, a restaurant franchiser, brought a similar lawsuit against Tyson Foods, alleging that the company ‘conspired to fix, maintain and stabilize the price of Broilers by limiting production with the intent of increasing Broiler prices in the United States.’


On Jan. 12, the Southern supermarket chains Winn-Dixie and Bi-Lo filed suit against Koch Foods, Tyson, Pilgrim’s Pride, and others alleging that the processors restricted supply in order to keep prices high. US Foods and Sysco followed with separate lawsuits on Jan. 30.”


Many are also not aware that, in addition to allegedly trying to shortchange farmers’ wages, the industry pays its farmers via a tournament or “gladiator system,” which pits farmers against each other. Those ranked in the top half (producing the fattest chickens with the least amount of feed, for instance) receive a bonus payment while those at the bottom will get a penalty. That may mean the farmers at the bottom receive about half the pay for the same number of chickens.10


100 Percent Natural, Really?

Sanderson Farms is no stranger to lawsuits. In June 2017, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), Friends of the Earth (FoE) and Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a lawsuit against Sanderson Farms for falsely advertising their products as “100% Natural.” In reality, testing by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) National Residue Program revealed a battery of unnatural residues in the chicken, including:


Antibiotics for human use, including one prohibited for use in food animals


Ketamine, a drug that causes hallucinogenic effects that is not approved for use in poultry


Ketoprofren, an anti-inflammatory drug


Predisone, a steroid


Two growth hormones banned for use in poultry


Amoxicillin, a human antibiotic not approved for use in poultry


Penicillin residues




Out of 69 inspections of Sanderson Farms in various states from November 2015 to November 2016, 49 found residues that were far from “natural.”11 Although Sanderson’s claims their chicken is “nothing but chicken,” it actually contains a number of residues that are not disclosed on the label. Ronnie Cummins, OCA’s international director, told Sustainable Pulse:12


“Consumers should be alarmed that any food they eat contains steroids, recreational or anti-inflammatory drugs, or antibiotics prohibited for use in livestock — much less that these foods are falsely advertised and labeled ‘100% Natural’ … Sanderson’s advertising claims are egregiously misleading to consumers, and unfair to competitors.


The organic and free-range poultry sector would be growing much more rapidly if consumers knew the truth about Sanderson’s products and false advertising.”


Meanwhile, Sanderson is fighting back against the OCA’s suit; they filed a motion for sanctions in February 2018, and it remains a “buyer beware” market when it comes to these types of label claims. When sorting through “natural” and “antibiotic free” labels available, it’s important to be aware of the “fine print” in many cases. In Perdue’s No Antibiotics Ever program, for instance, it means just that.


However, if the label states only “responsible antibiotic use,” “veterinarian-approved antibiotic use,” “no antibiotic residue” or “100% natural,” antibiotics may have been used in the hatchery while the chick is in the egg. Even if a product is labeled organic, it could have had antibiotics used in the hatchery. The exception is if it is labeled organic and “raised without antibiotics.”


In this case, it means no antibiotics were used at any point. Other loopholes include stating “no human antibiotics,” but this means other animal antibiotics may be used.


Claims to watch out for include the “no growth-promoting antibiotics” label and the no “critically important” antibiotics label or claims. In the former case, it means antibiotics may still be used for disease prevention and in the latter, most critically important antibiotics aren’t used in poultry production anyway, so the “claim doesn’t translate to meaningful change in antibiotic use,” according to Consumer Reports.13


As for the USDA’s definition of “natural,” it only means a product contains “no artificial ingredient or added color and is only minimally processed. Minimal processing means that the product was processed in a manner that does not fundamentally alter the product.” Under this vague description, Bloomberg noted, “even chicken nuggets — that emblem of highly processed, additive-laden, junk food — have borne the ‘100% natural’ label.”14


Sanderson Says Not Enough Antibiotics Used

Sanderson Farms, the third-largest poultry producer in the U.S., which processes more than 10.6 million chickens every week, is the only large producer that has refused to commit to limiting antibiotics use.15 In February 2017, a Sanderson Farms shareholder proposal that requested the company phase out the use of medically important antibiotics even failed to pass.16


The company has stated that using antibiotics preventively in food animals is not dangerous to human health17 and, as of February 2018, they still state on their website FAQs section, “After deliberate and careful consideration, we do not plan to withdraw antibiotics from our program at this time.”18 Meanwhile, they’ve even gone so far as to claim that the U.S. is currently facing a surplus of antibiotic-free chicken.


In a regulatory filing, Sanderson said that while 40.5 percent of U.S. fresh chicken production was made up of antibiotic-free birds, only 6.4 percent of it was sold as antibiotic-free. While neglecting to identify the sources of the data, Sanderson also claimed that consumers mostly want antibiotic-free breast meat and chicken tenders, which means chicken producers must then sell the rest of the antibiotic-free meat at lower prices, even though it cost more to produce.19


In the filing, Sanderson claimed, “Industry data indicate that the supply of ABF [antibiotic-free] chicken is currently significantly greater than demand for the product, and that oversupply has increased.” They also continue to assert that using antibiotics is beneficial for both animal welfare and the company, telling Reuters, “It allows us to produce product at a more affordable price point.”20


Never mind that, as a result of the overuse of antibiotics, especially for purposes of growth promotion or providing low doses to prevent diseases that are likely to occur when animals are raised in dirty and overcrowded living conditions, the threat of antimicrobial resistance is increasing around the globe.21


Meanwhile, even some Sanderson shareholders support the end of antibiotic use. At the company’s annual meeting held February 15, 2018, 43 percent of Sanderson’s investors supported a proposal urging the company to stop its use of medically important antibiotics for disease prevention in healthy chickens — up from 30 percent who supported a similar proposal in 2017. Sanderson, however, had reportedly “urged investors to vote no on the proposal.”22


Why Is Government Entertaining the Idea of Protecting CAFOs?

As for the Iowa bill that would force stores to carry a certain product, namely CAFO eggs, it’s disturbing though not surprising given the government’s history of protecting industrialized agriculture. Consider Vande Bunte Eggs in Michigan, an egg-laying chicken CAFO that houses 1.6 million birds. With more than 200 state permit violations in the span of three years, you might think the facility would be in danger of being shut down.


Instead, it’s received more than $1 million in federal subsidies. The company’s Tim Vande Bunte also testified in support of Senate Bill 660, which was introduced in December 2017 and would push back the deadline for Michigan egg producers to provide cage-free chicken housing from 2020 to 2025.23


Vande Bunte’s many violations are but one example cited in a report compiled by the Environmentally Concerned Citizens of South Central Michigan.24,25 The report analyzed 272 CAFOs in Michigan and found they had collectively received more than $103 million in federal subsidies between 1995 and 2014, all while racking up 644 environmental permit violations by the end of 2016.


Meanwhile, in early 2017, 35 advocacy groups, including Food & Water Watch, called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to close federal loopholes that are allowing CAFOs to continue polluting the planet. In a petition, the groups asked the EPA to require CAFOs housing a certain number of animals or using a certain kind of manure management system to obtain a permit. The EPA has said that up to 75 percent of CAFOs need permits but only 40 percent have them.


What’s the Best Source for Chicken and Eggs?


Choosing food that comes from small regenerative farms — not CAFOs — is crucial. While avoiding CAFO meats, look for antibiotic-free alternatives raised by organic and regenerative farmers. Unfortunately, loopholes abound, allowing CAFO-raised chickens and eggs to masquerade as “free-range” and “organic.”


The Cornucopia Institute addressed some of these issues their egg report and scorecard, which ranks egg producers according to 28 organic criteria. It can help you to make a more educated choice if you’re buying your eggs at the supermarket.


Ultimately, to find safer, more humane and environmentally friendly chicken and eggs, the best choice is to get to know a local farmer and get your meat and eggs there directly. Alternatively, you might consider raising your own backyard chickens, though requirements vary widely depending on your locale, with many limiting the number of chickens you can raise or requiring quarterly inspections (at a cost) and permits, so check with your city before taking the plunge.


If you don’t want to raise your own chickens but still want farm-fresh eggs, you have many options. Finding high-quality organic, pastured eggs locally is getting easier, as virtually every rural area has individuals with chickens. If you live in an urban area, visiting the local health food stores is typically the quickest route to finding high-quality local egg sources. Farmers markets and food co-ops are another great way to meet people producing food the right way.


Health and Wellness Associates


DR J Jaranson

312-972-WELL ( 9355)


Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Best and Worst Health Choices at McDonald’s

Best and Worst Health Choices at McDonald's

Best and Worst Health Choices at McDonald’s


McDonald’s Nutrition Facts: Menu Choices & Calories


The best thing to do is never eat at McDonalds.  When taking a trip, or visiting friends, sometimes it is a must.  But don’t make it a routine!


Convenient food doesn’t have to ruin your diet. You can eat healthy McDonald’s fast food meals under 500 calories if you know how to navigate the menu. Use this guide to find out which is the most healthy McDonald’s food item to choose, which foods to avoid, and how to combine different menu items so you can enjoy a low-calorie McDonald’s meal without suffering dieter’s remorse.


Analyzing the McDonald’s Menu

McDonald’s and many other fast food restaurants post calorie counts for each of their food products.

But if you are in the drive-thru lane you might not have time to grab your calculator and do the math. So be safe and stick to sandwiches that include grilled meat or chicken to keep the calorie count low. You’ll also boost your daily protein intake with those choices.

It’s also a good idea to skip the French fries and choose fruit instead. If you want to indulge, get a small size of fries and choose a smaller sandwich. And your best bet for saving calories? Skip the soda! Get water and add lemon to make the water taste better.

The best way to stay healthy at McDonald’s is to order a la carte. That means you bypass the popular Value Meals and only order the menu items that you love so you don’t waste calories on foods you don’t need.


Most Popular McDonald’s Food

Big Mac Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 burger

Per Serving          % Daily Value*

Calories 540

Calories from Fat 252

Total Fat 28g      43%

Saturated Fat 10g            50%

Cholesterol 80mg            27%

Sodium 960mg  40%

Carbohydrates 46g          15%

Dietary Fiber 4g 16%

Sugars 9g

Protein 25g

Vitamin A 10% · Vitamin C 2%

Calcium 25% · Iron 25%

*Based on a 2,000 calorie diet


Whether you’re living with diabetes or just want to get healthy, there are simple steps you can take to lose weight and feel great without sacrificing your sweet tooth.



While you might imagine that burgers rule at McDonald’s, French fries, chicken sandwiches, and chicken nuggets are also very popular. Even breakfast items rank very high on the McDonald’s must-have list. These are calorie counts for some of the most popular items:

A 4-piece order of Chicken McNuggets provides 180 calories, 11 grams of fat, 10 grams of protein and 11 grams of carbohydrate.

The more popular 10-piece order of Chicken McNuggets provides 440 calories, 27 grams of fat, 24 grams of protein and 26 grams of carbohydrate. Double those numbers for the 20-piece chicken nugget calories and nutrition.

An Egg McMuffin provides 290 calories, 12 grams of fat, 17 grams of protein and 29 grams of carbohydrate.

A McChicken sandwich provides 350 calories, 15 grams of fat, 14 grams of protein and 40 grams of carbohydrate.

One Quarter Pounder with Cheese provides 540 calories, 27 grams of fat, 31 grams of protein and 42 grams of carbohydrate.

A Filet-O-Fish sandwich provides 390 calories, 19 grams of fat, 17 grams of protein, 38 grams of carbohydrate.

A Cheeseburger provides 300 calories, 12 grams of fat, 15 grams of protein and 33 grams of carbohydrate.

If you choose to enjoy your meal with one of McDonald’s popular sweetened drinks, you’ll have to add more calories. A large McDonald’s Sweet Tea contains 160 calories and a large Coca-Cola contains 300 calories.


Healthiest Options on the McDonald’s Menu

There are some items that are lower in calories. Depending on the meal you choose to enjoy, there are several different ways to enjoy a full meal for under 500 calories.



McDonald’s Breakfast Under 500 Calories

There are some items you should avoid if you are watching your waistline.

The Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGriddle provides 550 calories. And the Bacon Egg & Cheese McGriddle doesn’t fare much better at 420 calories. These items, however, should keep you satisfied and won’t ruin your daily calorie count:


Fruit & Maple Oatmeal: 310 calories

Apple Slices: 15 calories

Coffee: 0 calories (no cream or sugar)

Lowfat Milk: 100 calories

Total: 425 calories


Fruit and Yogurt Parfait: 150 calories

Iced Latte: 60 calories (medium with nonfat milk)

Hash Browns: 150 calories

Total 360 calories


Egg McMuffin: 290 calories

Hash Browns: 150 calories

Black coffee: 0 calories

Total: 440 calories

Low-Calorie McDonald’s Lunch or Dinner

Most dieters will visit McDonald’s for their popular lunch or dinner burgers and fries.


So can you enjoy these popular favorites and still keep your weight loss program on track? Yes! Just stay away from the super-sized items and high-fat condiments like mayonnaise and cheese.


Milk: 100 calories (1% low fat)

Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad (no cheese or tortilla strips): 260 calories

Fruities (Mandarin orange): 35 calories

Total: 395 calories


Premium Grilled Chicken Sandwich: 380 calories

Side Salad: (no dressing) 20 calories

Water: 0 calories

Total: 400 calories


Hamburger: 250 calories

Kids Fries: 110 Calories

Small Diet Soda

Total: 360 calories


Cheeseburger: 300 calories

Side Salad: 20 calories

Newman’s Own Low Fat Dressing: 80 calories


Total: 400 calories


Hamburger: 250 calories

Small fries: 230 calories


Total 480 calories

Unhealthiest Food on the McDonald’s Menu

As you might expect, the fries won’t do wonders for your diet. An order of large French Fries contains 510 calories, 24 grams of fat, and 66 grams of carbohydrate. And you might also want to avoid the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese which will add 780 calories and 45 grams of fat to your daily total.



Health and Wellness Associates


847-   -9355 (WELL)



Diets and Weight Loss, Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Apple Chai Steel Cut Oats

Apple Chai-Spiced Slowcooker Oatmeal


1 cup water

1/4 cup steel cut oats

1/2 cup diced apple

2 tablespoons raisins

1/2 tablespoon ground flax seeds

1/2 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla extract or pure vanilla bean powder

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon cardamom

1/8 teaspoon cloves

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg



In a saucepan, bring water to a boil and stir in all ingredients. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until oats are tender and water is absorbed, stirring occasionally.


Note: If you are short on time in the morning, this can be made the night before. Reheat before serving.


Health and Wellness Associates


847-   -9355 (WELL)
