Health and Disease, Uncategorized




You probably already know that cardio, or “aerobic,” exercise — the kind that gets your heart pumping — is good for your ticker. It lowers your resting pulse and strengthens your heart muscle. That’s why, as you slowly lengthen your cardio workouts, you’re able to go for longer time and distance. But your heart isn’t the only part of your body that benefits.

Heart Health Is Just the Start

It lowers your resting pulse and strengthens your heart muscle.


Cardio may be good for your shut-eye. Scientists know that it can help you keep an even mood, wind down at bedtime, and set up a healthy sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). The exact brain effects aren’t always clear, but people who exercise more tend to get more of the deep “slow wave” sleep that helps renew the brain and body. But try not to exercise too close to bedtime, which disrupts sleep for some people.


Lower Your Blood Sugar

Cardio exercise helps lower blood sugar (glucose) levels and improve insulin resistance if you have diabetes.

Health and Disease, Uncategorized

5 Triggers to Autoimmune Diseases

I couldn’t believe what the consultant was telling me.  He couldn’t see anything on the MRI scan that could be accounting for my pain, but as it was December he wanted to help me throug…Autoimmune diseases are increasingly common. About 50 million Americans are suffering from a least one kind.

If you have an autoimmune disease, it means that your body is basically attacking itself. Your immune system goes into overdrive and sees everything as a threat. Trying to protect you from this perceived danger, it starts fighting and attacking its own tissues and cells, mistaking them as hazards. This can lead to pain, discomfort, and all kinds of issues depending on the autoimmune condition you have.

So what are the top 5 triggers common in almost all autoimmune diseases?


5 Autoimmune Disease Triggers 

1. Sugar.  Processed sugar is a common offender for anyone’s health. It leads to inflammation and can trigger autoimmune symptoms. Use organic honey and eat dates, fruits, and root veggies for sweetness.

2. Quinoa.  Though it is gluten-free and a trendy protein-rich pseudo grain, in large amounts, it can actually provoke your immune system. Limit your quinoa consumption and stick to other gluten-free products instead.

3. Gluten. Gluten is a well-known offender of health. People with Celiac disease know to stay away from it, however, it is destructive to anyone with any other autoimmune condition as well. Switch to gluten-free to stay safe.

4. Dairy.  Due to molecular mimicry, casein in dairy can act like gluten in your body. It can cause your immune system to go haywire and trigger your symptoms. Switch to plant-based alternatives.

5. Milk chocolate.   It may be yummy, but all the refined sugar, dairy, unhealthy fats, and possible artificial ingredients make milk chocolate the enemy. Switch to dairy-free, extra dark chocolate, raw cacao, and carob products. If you need sweetness, fruit and root veggies are your best options.


Remember we are in this together

-People Start to Heal The Moment They Are Heard-
Health and Wellness Associates
EHS Telehealth
Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Sperm Benefits During Pregnancy


Sperm Benefits During Pregnancy

Benefits of Sperm During Pregnancy


  1. Actual Nourishment


There are numerous vitamins, minerals, and even a dose of protein in every ejaculation. While this won’t take the place of your prenatal vitamins, anything helps. If anything, the nourishment in sperm will keep your vaginal tissues healthy and get the cells ready for repair after delivery.

  1. Good Sleep


Semen has some melatonin in it that may be absorbed through your vagina and enter your bloodstream. This may help with those sleepless nights, a common side-effect of pregnancy. If your doctor gives the okay, sex every night before bed may be the best sleep remedy you’ve ever had. No pun intended.


  1. Getting Your Cervix Ready


One of the benefits of sperm during pregnancy is that it helps get your cervix ready for the big day. Semen or sperm contains high levels of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins soften the cervix to help it open up easier when labor begins. The prostaglandins may also help trigger contractions, so ask your doctor if sex is okay at the end of pregnancy.


  1. Feeling Better About Yourself


Some women may not find pregnancy a very sexy time of their lives. Weight gain, fatigue, and changing looks may cause a lowered self-esteem. Semen may contain chemicals that when absorbed through the vaginal walls, may decrease depression. Levels of these “feel good” chemicals have been found in women’s blood at increased levels for a few days after sexual intercourse.


  1. Immune System Protection


Another one of the benefits of sperm during pregnancy is immune system protection. Sperm contains proteins that may help strengthen your immune system. It may help prevent interactions between mom and baby, reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, and keep you healthy. One reason being studied is that pre-eclampsia may be a DNA incompatibility between mom and dad. Sexual intercourse with baby daddy may help desensitize the immune system to dad’s DNA.


Safe Tips for Better Sex During Pregnancy


Don’t force things. Your desire for intimacy may wax and wane over the months. Let your partner know how you are feeling. Your body knows just when the right time is, listen closely. Be gentle and take things slow.

You may need to use a safe water based lubricant for comfort. Sex drive may be less in the end of pregnancy. While sperm is helpful then, you may need some help to get things started.

Make time for intimacy. Sperm is healthy for your pregnancy, but you need to have sexual intercourse to reap the benefits. Busy schedules, morning sickness (makes mornings a bad time), work, and other kids can all get in the way. Try going off to bed soon after dinner before you get too tired.

You may have to adjust positions. If you are making love for the benefits of sperm at the end of pregnancy, you may need to try different positions for the most comfort.

If you have oral sex, never let your partner blow air into your vagina. This is very seriously dangerous and can be life threatening. The air can form an embolism in your bloodstream and block a blood vessel.

Refrain from sexual intercourse if your water has broken already. This may mean your contractions have already started and you won’t need the benefit of semen to get things going, they already are. Intercourse could put you and your baby at risk for infection.

If the benefits of sperm during pregnancy are contraindicated due to a high risk pregnancy, you can ask your doctor about sex with a condom. Just keep in mind that even orgasms can be detrimental if you are at risk for miscarriage.

If you cannot have sex during your pregnancy, find other ways to be intimate. You can cuddle and watch movies, spend time reading together, or go for a walk every evening after dinner (as long as you aren’t on bedrest).

Last but not least, communicate with your partner. He may be feeling like “sex may hurt the baby,” or that “his sperm may get into your uterus,” all of which are old wives tales. Your baby will never know or be hurt by your lovemaking. The uterus is sealed off by the mucous plug and nothing gets past it until it dislodges at the end of your pregnancy. The baby is also cushioned by amniotic fluid, protecting him or her from any “bumps.” Explaining these things will help make your partner feel better about sex while you’re pregnant.

Health and Wellness Associates


Patricia Carrothers

Dir of Personalized Healthcare and Preventative Medicine


Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Sunscreen! Really?



Sunscreen!   Really?


Sunscreen Mistakes That Pose A Serious Risk To Your Health


The dog days of summer have arrived for most of us and that means lots of time spent out in the sun having fun. It can also mean a painful sunburn if you are not careful. Too much time, unprotected in the sun can lead to premature aging and damage to your skin. While there are a plethora of types of sunscreens to choose from, you must be careful not to make sunscreen mistakes that will end up doing more harm than good.


While it is a good idea to protect the skin from the damaging impact of UV radiation from the sun, you need to know the in’s and outs of sunscreen so as to avoid costly mistakes. Remember, we need the sun to help our bodies make vitamin D3, the nutrient that boosts our immune system, elevates our mood and fights cancer. The key is to stay safe and still get enough sun to keep your vitamin D levels in a healthy range.


Here is a look at the top mistakes you might be making when it comes to sunscreen.


Using chemical sunscreen instead of natural sunscreen

Sunscreen is a huge market and everyone wants to get a share of it. This means that some sunscreens are actually just a toxic cocktail of chemicals that could end up hurting you. The number one mistake you might be making when it comes to your sunscreen is which type of sunscreen you actually purchase and use.


Surprisingly, some studies have indicated that risk of malignant melanoma was highest amongst those who used the most sunscreen. This is undoubtedly due to the chemical makeup of the sunscreen.


According to a 2014 Environmental Working Group guide to sunscreen, over 75% of all sunscreen sold contains toxins capable of increasing the risk of cancer. Here is what they had to say:


“Our review…shows that some sunscreen ingredients absorb into the blood, and some have toxic effects. Some release skin-damaging free radicals in sunlight, some act like estrogen and disrupt hormones, and several can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. The FDA has not established rigorous safety standards for sunscreen ingredients.”


Here is a list of just some of the toxic ingredients you might find in conventional sunscreen:



Para amino benzoic acid

Octyl salicyclate




Menthyl anthranilate





Natural sunscreen products or mineral-based sunscreen products generally contain zinc or titanium. They do not break down in the sunlight and are not absorbed by the body. To stay safe, it is best to choose a natural, or mineral-based sunscreen that will not disrupt hormones, are not allergenic and offer effective protection.


Our recent round-up of the best natural sunscreens led to the conclusion that these were the best:


Badger All Natural Sunscreen

Tropical Sands Natural Sunscreen

Beauty By Earth Facial Cream

Kiss My Face Mineral Sunscreen

Suntegrity 5 in 1 Natural Sunscreen


Using spray-on sunscreen


Although they go on easy, spray sunscreens have hidden dangers. According to safety experts at Consumer Reports, spray on products contain some potentially dangerous ingredients that could be damaging if inhaled, especially to children.


According to  Sonya Lunder, a senior analyst at Environmental Working Group, “These high-alcohol formulas could irritate the lungs, and their ingredients could be absorbed into the bloodstream.”


You wait to apply sunscreen until you arrive at the beach or the pool


Take the time to apply sunscreen before you head outside. This will allow you to be sure that you are well-covered. Too many people wait to get to the pool or the beach to apply their sunscreen and end up missing spots because they are in a hurry to get in the water or engage in other activities.


You only use sunscreen when you are headed outdoors

It is a good idea to use some form of natural sunscreen year-round, not just when you are headed to the beach or out on a boating trip. According to Cheryl Gustafson, MD, a chief dermatology resident at Emory University,”The sun’s rays can still reach your skin, for example, while you drive or sit by a window.”  There are a number of natural moisturizers that contain some sort of sunscreen. It is a good idea to get into the habit of using these daily, no matter what you are doing.


You apply sunscreen with your clothes on

It is always best to apply sunscreen to your entire body when you are naked. According to Noelle Sherber, MD, a consulting dermatologist for the Johns Hopkins Scleroderma Center it is best to apply sunscreen naked in front of a full-length mirror because this “helps ensure you entirely cover tricky spots like the mid-back and backs of the legs.”

You pass over your lips

Many people do a good job of protecting their body and face from the sun but neglect their lips. Lips are highly sensitive to the sun and require special TLC from the sun. However, don’t use the same stuff you put on your body. It is best to purchase an organic lip balm with SPF protection (such as these Organic Lip Balms from Sky Organics) and apply it frequently when exposed to the sun.


You rely too much on sunscreen

Too many people rely on sunscreen for complete protection from the sun. There are a number of things that you can do to enhance your protection including:


Wear long sleeve shirts, pants, and a hat when participating in outdoor activities. There are many options available for lightweight clothing that offers protection. In addition, always wear a hat when outdoors in the sun.

Stay indoors or in the shade during the hottest time of the day. The sun is hottest during the hours of noon and 3 pm.

Eating foods that offer sun protection and build UV resistance can also help protect you from the sun. These foods include green and white tea, blueberries, red grapes or wine, salmon and fish oil, almonds, asparagus and pumpkin seeds, bell peppers and carrots.

Yes, the sun is fun, yes, we need the sun for vitamin D production,to build up an immune system in y our children, but we have to be very careful during the hot days of summer not to overextend our time in the sun.   Chemincals in most commercially marketed sunscreens, are absorded in your skin and the liver tries to filter them out, and cant.  You only have one liver


Health and Wellness Associates

Archived Sierra Bright

Dr Jay Jaranson





Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Ginseng Can Boost Your Immunity



Sipping just one cup of ginseng tea a day can trigger a 30% spike in the immune system cells that destroy invading organisms, cutting your risk of infections as must as 40%, according to researchers.

Ginseng boosts nutrient flow to the brain improving mood and alertness, says Harold H Bloomfield M.D., author of the Healing Anxiety with Herbs.

Always ask if you having any questions for your personal needs.

Health and Wellness Associates



Foods, Uncategorized

Pineapple Ginger Smoothie


Pineapple Ginger Smoothie


Pineapple and mango are favorite fruits around the world for good reason, and they blend together perfectly in this recipe. The kick of ginger adds a hint of warmth and spice while also providing a myriad of health benefits such as aiding in digestion and assimilation and helping to prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo.


Ginger also contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and is a powerful painkiller which makes it especially beneficial for those who suffer with joint, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger has incredible immune-boosting and germ fighting abilities and has even been shown to help provide protection and relief from E.coli, Staph infections, and Candida albicans. You can learn more about ginger’s health benefits here.


As with all fruit smoothies, it is not advisable to have more than one per week.


Enjoy this smoothie for breakfast or a snack. It’s a crowd pleaser so you might want to make enough to share with your friends and family, or consider serving it up at your next brunch gathering!


Pineapple Ginger Smoothie



2 cups chopped pineapple (fresh or frozen)

2 cups chopped mango (fresh or frozen)

1 inch piece peeled ginger

1 cup water or coconut water

6 ice cubes (only if you use fresh fruit)



  1. Place all ingredients except ice in a blender. If you are using frozen fruit, you may need 1.5 to 2 cups of water. Blend until smooth.
  2. If you used fresh fruit rather than frozen, add ice and blend again.
  3. Sip and enjoy!


Health and Wellness Associates




Bell Peppers

bell peppers

Bell peppers contain an impressive amount of vitamin C with up to as much as six times as oranges. Bell peppers are also packed with vitamin A and beta carotene which can help boost the immune system, improve vision, and help protect the eyes against cataracts. Bell peppers are also an excellent source of potassium, fiber, thiamine, beta carotene, folic acid, zeaxanthin, and lycopene and have been shown to help prevent blood clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. They are excellent for helping to lower cholesterol levels and they contain anti-cancer compounds that can help lower the risk of prostate, breast, lung, and colon cancer. Bell peppers are highly beneficial for the brain and can help to strengthen memory and concentration skills as well as reduce brain fog and confusion. Bell peppers are an ideal weight loss food as their fiber helps to curb the appetite while helping to keep you energized throughout the day. Green bell peppers are technically an “unripe” pepper. Even though green peppers are edible, the red, orange, and yellow bell peppers contain significantly higher levels of vitamins, mineral, and antioxidants. Bell peppers are so sweet, crunchy, and juicy that they are a perfect snack to munch on and are a fantastic addition to salads, wraps, nori rolls, hummus, and dips. They are also great juiced, steamed, sauteed, and stuffed. Try making a raw soup by blending red bell peppers and tomatoes together with a clove of garlic, a few leaves of fresh basil, and chopped scallions and avocado on top. It is a refreshing, light, nutrient packed meal that can nourish your body and keep your immune system functioning strong. Also experiment with the deliciously sweet orange bell pepper which is a favorite among kids and adults alike. Bell peppers can be found at your local grocery and health food store. Choose organic for its health promoting properties whenever possible.

Health and Wellness Associates

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Health Benefits of Rosemary


Rosemary has had the reputation for miracles for thousands of years. It has been used as an antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, aphrodisiac, and expectorant. Rosemary has earned praise for alleviating nerve-related conditions, boosting the immune system, fighting off bacterial and viral infections, aiding respiratory ailments, strengthening digestion and improving circulation. Rosemary contains both caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory making it ideal for those who suffer with auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. It also contains properties and volatile oils that work similarly to anti-histamines and make it very useful to treat conditions such as asthma and chronic migraines. Rosemary’s diuretic properties have been known to help relieve gout, edema, and kidney stones. Rosemary has the ability to stimulate memory, improve concentration, and help overcome mental fatigue by increasing the blood flow to the head and brain. It is also known to alleviate depression and sadness and can decrease anxiety brought on by stress. Rosemary oil is often added to hair and skin care products due to its ability to cleanse and nourish the scalp and heal and repair the skin. Essential oil of rosemary can also be used through a steam vaporizer to disinfect the air in your home &/or office which is especially beneficial during cold and flu season. Rosemary can be taken as a tea, supplement, or simply added to fresh guacamole, salads, soups, or any of your home cooked meals. It is a potent and effective herb that can provide a myriad of health benefits.

Health and Wellness Associates

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