Foods, Uncategorized

Lemon Balm


Lemon balm


Lemons are a powerful healing fruit that contain phenomenal

antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-cancer properties. Lemons are rich in vitamins

C and B-complex and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, copper,

and potassium. They are considered to be a wonderful tonic and can help to

cleanse and detoxify the entire body. Although lemons have an acidic taste they

actually have a very strong alkaline reaction on the body and can help to

alkalize blood, cells, lymph, organs, and tissues. Lemons are known to help


Health and Wellness Associates

Archived: 14

P Carrothers


Foods, Health and Disease, Uncategorized

Lemon Balm Tea


Lemon Balm

Lemon balm tea has been called the “Elixir of Life” due to its incredible anti-viral, anti-bacterial, digestive, and sedative properties. Incredibly, it also has high levels of antioxidants which substantially increases its ability to heal and work effectively. Lemon Balm contains a compound called terpene which has the ability to help relieve anxiety, stress, hypertension, depression, high blood pressure, muscle spasms, heart palpitations, tension headaches, circulatory issues, and cognitive disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease. 
Lemon Balm also benefits chronic gastrointestinal disorders including indigestion, IBS, colitis, and acid reflux. Lemon Balm has the ability to promote a healthy, balanced immune system and endocrine system, which is highly beneficial for autoimmune disorders such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, and Vertigo. It is also useful in treating insomnia, sleep disturbances, and jittery nerves, allowing for a more relaxed body and better quality sleep. 
The polyphenol tannins contained in Lemon Balm give it its anti-viral properties making it particularly helpful in healing colds, flu, bronchitis and any viral infections. Topically, Lemon Balm can be applied as a cream to help heal and provide relief for cold sores and shingles as well as cuts and wounds. Essentially, Lemon Balm is a heal-all herb and has rightfully earned its reputation as the “Elixir of Life”. 
As a delicious and refreshing drink, Lemon Balm tea can be added to your weekly health regime for a wide range of healing benefits. Fresh or dried herb can be steeped in hot water for a minimum of ten minutes and sweetened with raw honey, if desired.
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Health and Wellness Associates
Carrothers – MM
Health and Disease, Vitamins and Supplements

Foods that help thyroid problems


Foods to help Thyroid Problems

Thyroid disorders – whether the gland is hyperactive, hypoactive, or enlarged – are common but often misdiagnosed and it can take a while find out what is causing such problems as weight change, fatigue, depression and problems with skin. Before taking any herbs for the thyroid, therefore, it is best to consult a medical practitioner or herbalist to find out what is the best plan of treatment for the condition. Below, though, are listed ten of the best drugs to treat thyroid disorders that you may want to know about.


While most people think of this herb as an immune system booster, it has also been used successful to help treat those suffering from hypothyroidism or thyroiditis and does not seem to care the side effects of some of the medications traditionally prescribed for this condition.


Licorice can help balance and even out the hormones among many different glands and can be useful for those who suffer from the fatigue that thyroid problems can bring. It has also been proven to help inhibit thyroid cancer cells.


Bugle can be used in a tablet form or as an essential oil and in one study of those with mild hyperthyroidism, use of this herb resulted in significant improvement of symptoms without any side effects.


This herb is a powerful antioxidant and acts on the thyroid to stimulate just the right amount of hormone production. It also has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.


Research with the use of bacopa has revealed that this can help stimulate a hypoactive thyroid gland and significantly improve its function without any adverse side effects.


Also called Siberian gingseng, this herb can help either hyper- or hypoactive thyroid glands by regulating hormones levels in the body and can also help with the function of the thymus and adrenal glands.


This algae contains iodine, which helps to stimulate the thyroid as well as other natural compounds which restore its normal function and can also help to reduce the size of thyroid nodules.


Flaxseed is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can have a positive impact on thyroid health. One study found that hypothyroid patients who consumed a diet rich in these fatty acids showed an increase in thyroid hormone levels.

Black Walnut

Black walnut, like bladderwrack, is also rich in iodine, a nutrient which plays an important role in overall thyroid function and optimizes the health of the thyroid gland.

Lemon Balm

This member of the mint family has found to be very effective at reducing the levels of hormone production in overactive thyroid and easing the symptoms of hyperthyroid patients by normalizing the function of the gland.

Thyroid problems are more common than many people realize and can be complex to diagnose and treat. However, once the cause of the problem has been determined, discussing a natural treatment plan with an herbalist or other practitioner is a good idea and that plan may well involve one or more of the herbs listed above.

Health and Wellness Associates

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Helping people reverse and prevent diseases.


Lemon Balm


Lemons are a powerful healing fruit that contain phenomenal antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-cancer properties. Lemons are rich in vitamins C and B-complex and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, copper, and potassium. They are considered to be a wonderful tonic and can help to cleanse and detoxify the entire body. Although lemons have an acidic taste they actually have a very strong alkaline reaction on the body and can help to alkalize blood, cells, lymph, organs, and tissues. Lemons are known to help destroy putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and intestines which can help alleviate flatulence, indigestion, and constipation. Lemons contain a compound called limonene which is used to dissolve gallstones and kidney stones and can help to fight oral, lung, skin, breast, stomach, and colon cancer. Lemons are also rich in bioflavonoids which can significantly boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Lemon juice is known to be particularly beneficial for colds, coughs, sore throats, hiccups, ear infections, fevers, arthritis, heart disease, COPD, atherosclerosis, diabetes, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorders, stroke, and cancer. Topically, lemon juice is a great remedy for wrinkles, warts, toothaches, corns, sunburns, poison ivy, acne, psoriasis, and as a hair rinse and facial astringent. A tall glass of lemon water upon waking is an excellent way to hydrate and cleanse the body first thing in the morning. Fresh lemon in tea and green juice and added to salads, wraps, hummus, guacamole, and nori rolls is another great way to add this healing and nutritious fruit into your diet. Fresh lemons can be found at your local grocery and health food store.