
Almonds Reduce Belly Fat…. and more


Almonds Reduce Belly Fat

Replacing a high carb snack each day with a handful of almonds ( about 1.5 ounces) reduces belly fat.

For 12 weeks, researchers at Penn State University gave overweight volunteers with high cholesterol identical diets, with one exception – one group got a daily snack of almonds while a second group got a banana muffin snack equal in calories.

The almond snack reduced total cholesterol, including LDL (bad) cholesterol when compared to the muffin, and also significantly reduced belly fat.

Research found that substituting almonds for a high carbohydrate snack improved numerous heart health risk factors, including the new finding that eating almonds reduced belly fat.

People with chronic high cholesterol levels, need to be tested for thyroid problems also. Almonds have been shown to work with thyroid problems also.

If you need assistance in reversing this problem, Health and Wellness Associates is here to help you.

Health and Wellness Associates
